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8月雅思口语part2话题题库 雅思口语part2考试时,自己准备一分钟的提纲说的时候...

更新:2023年09月11日 21:48 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了8月雅思口语part2话题题库 雅思口语part2考试时,自己准备一分钟的提纲说的时候...,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
8月雅思口语part2话题题库 雅思口语part2考试时,自己准备一分钟的提纲说的时候...


比如有同学喜欢篮球,篮球相关表达:三分、跳投、罚篮这些概念的英文说法一定要会,篮球就可能成为你雅思口语的主场话题。2021年雅思考试就考过描述一个有用的网站(describe a useful website you often visit),同学就可以说篮球网站;或者描述一个教育性的电视节目,说一个篮球课的节目也可以;再比如明星,我可以在篮球的这个范围内找一个体育明星。



Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger

You should say

Who this person was

What the conversation was about

Why you had this conversation

And how you felt about itYou should say:

Who this person is

What kind of job this person does

How you knew him or her

And explain why this person is good at his or her job.

Describe someone you would like to study or work with You should say:

Who this person is

How long you have known this person

What you have done together

And explain why you would like to work/ study with this personDescribe a time you borrowed something from others.

You should say:

What the situation was

What you borrowed

Whom you borrowed it from

And explain why you borrowed it.Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare

You should say:

What it was

Who you gave it to

How you prepared it

And explain why you spent a lot of time preparing it

Describe something lost by others but found by you.

You should say:

When it happened;

What you picked up;

How you did with the lost thing;

And how did you feel about it.Describe a time you felt tired but had to keep awake

You should say

Why you felt tired

Why you had to keep awake

What you had to do to keep awake

and explain how you felt about the experienceDescribe a school you went to in your childhood

Where it was

What it was like

What you learned there

And how you felt about it



跪求2021年最近雅思口语part2 各个话题的原创具体参...


1.Part 1 Lauguage
How many languages can you speak?
Do you think it's important to know more than one languag?
What is the most difficult part about studying a foreign language?
How long have you been learning English?
Would you say it'悄枯s a difficult language to learn?
What do you think is the fastest way to learn a language?
2.Part 2 Describe an interesting culture of another country
3.Books Part 1 What kinds of books do you like to read? Are you reading any books at the moment?
Part2 Describe a book you like to reread.
You should say:
what book it was
what the book was about
why you read it
what you learned from this book
and explain why you would like to read it again.
4.Part 2 Describe a subject that you studied that you thought was interesting.
You should say:
what the subject was
what your teacher was like
how long you studied this subject
and explain why you thought it was interesting.
Part 3
1.what is the most popular subject in high school in China? why
2.Do Chinese high school students decide to go to the universities themselves?
3.Are some technology used in high school classes? advantages and disadvantages.
1.Personal Present Situation
Part 1/3 Are you a student or do you have a job?
a)study What kind of school do you attend? What do you like most about your studies? What is your major? Is that a very popular subject to study in your country?Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study? What do you do when you have a difficulty with your studies? Why did you choose ...as your major? What'洞睁s more important when studying - the student or teacher?
Part 2 Describe a positive change that you have made to your life.
You should say:
what the change was
when it happened
where it happened
and explain how you have benefited from this change
2.Personal Present Situation
b)working What kind of job would you prefer after graduation?
What are your job prospects?
What do you do for a living?
How do you feel at first day of your work?Is first impression important at workplace?
Part 2 Describe a job that you know about that makes the world a better place.
You should say:
what job this is
how you know about this job
what types of people do this job (or, can do this job)
and explain why you think this job makes the world a better place.
Part 2 Describe a job you like to try/an ideal job
Part 3 Do you know others who also do this job?
What should school teach to help students find jobs?
In your opinion, what kind of employees do employers hope?
Do you think it is easy or difficult to find jobs?
What is the difficulty in finding jobs?
What should employees have to find jobs?
Do you think high salary is important?
What about the Chinese working condition?
3.Describe a person who taught you some useful skill
who he was ?What skill he or she taught you? 3.How did he or she teach you?Why do you think this skill is useful?
Describe a (useful) skill you recently learned (for example, driving a car or cooking).
You should say:
what the skill is/was where you learned it
how you learned it and explain how you think this skill will be useful in the future.
4.Part 2 Describe a person who did something kind to you
Part2 Describe a person who you helped
Who you helped? Why you wanted to help him ?How did you help him?What was his reaction and feelings towards you?
Part 1 Do you like traveling? How do you usually travel? Where have you traveled to lately? What kind of places do you like to visit?
part2 Describe another country You would love to visit
Which country would you like to visit?why do you want to visit this country?What attracts you most in this country?
Part 2 Describe an interesting place you would like to visit
Where is this place
What is it like
Why you like to visit
And how interesting it is
Part 2 Describe a travel/journey you like to go to with your friend / Part 2 Describe a journey/ long travel you made
who you would like to travel with
where you would go
how you would go there
and explain why you would like to make this trip.
or explain why you would choose to travel with this person.
6.Part 2 Describe a good student you studied with/you know
Part 3 What are the gualities of a good student?
7.Part 2 Describe a helpful website you visited
Part 2 Describe an occasion others congratulate you
part3 How do people in China congratulate each other?
part2 Describe an experice you receive money as gift(eg money given by parents)
who gave you the money?Why did he/she give the money? How did you spend the money?
part3 What are the different attitudes towards money between *s and chidren? Are happiness related to money?why?
1.Part 2 Describe a leader who you admire (for example, in sport, business or politics)
You should say:
who this person is ?
How he or she became a leader?
what this person did (has done) that you admire?
part3 What are the abilities of a good leader?
2.Part 2 Describe a shop that you know.
You should say:
where it is? what it sells?what it looks like?
and explain what you like or dislike about this shop
3.Part 2 Describe an outdoor activity
What activity is that?
Where do you do it?
How often do you do it?
Why do you like this activity?
4.Part 2 Descrribe the oldest person you know
Who he or she is?
How you got to know him or her?
What is/are his /her/their present situation?
What is your feelings towards him/her/them?
Describe an old person
Part 3 How often do you invite the old person?
what's the role of old person in the family?
how children treat with old person?
Describe an old person who you like to talk to.
You should say:
who this person is
how you know them what you usually talk about
and explain why you like to talk to him or her.
5.Part 2 Describe a historical building/an interesting old(traditioanl) building in your country?
Where is it located?
What is it used for?
Explain why you think it is the most interesting?
Part 3 What are people's attitudes to old building today and that of our later generation? Should we protect them? Why?
What role do you think the old and modern buildings play in the society?
Should old buildings be di*antled/removed?




注意:游览卡片内容要既准确又迅速,一定不要误解标题和小标题上的任何内容,否则会造成谈话跑题而丢分。比如卡片上要求考生“talk about a
Chinese traditional festival”,如果考生讲的是“National Day”就不会得到任何分数,因为“National
Day”是个现代节日,而不是“traditional festival”这就象写作考试中作文写跑题一样。








出题逻辑:围绕5个“W”和一个 “H”
通过观察所有地点类题型会发现,所有题目的出题逻辑都是围绕5个“W”和一个 “H”展开的。他们分别是Where, When, Who, What (see, do), Why and How.。
作为 Where这个元素,其实可以提前做好充分准备,懂得灵活运用表示方位词汇好,考生可以根据不同话题套用固定句型。
When和Who主要是介绍建筑建造的年代和到访的人群,基本做个简单回答可以了,类似It was established/ built/ finished in 一个年代好。在说When时,还可以结合How often you visit this place? 一起做出回答。
在雅思口语Part 2中,地点类话题是每次都会考到的,虽然每次考比重不是的,但是还是建议考生们在备考过程中必须要认真准备这一类话题。
在说What这个问题时,要从what you can see?和 what you can do?两方面考虑。说一个建筑里能看见什么,无非是它造型,大小,装潢(interior design, 是不是exquisite, 有没有一些glass curtain walls, 和chandelier,茄败 墙上可能还挂着很多的oil paintings)和布局(layout), 几层楼,, 然后可以列举一系列甜点名称;并着重介绍某个best seller。
Why?为什么喜欢是要交代一点,这时可以综合所有你曾经去过的咖啡店优点来个头脑风暴。 也许你喜欢原因可能是这个咖啡店的饮料,或是早餐, 也许店是位*咖啡的专:因为每杯手工调制的咖啡上都会有很漂亮……都是喜欢的原因。
口语Part 2话题中地点类话题其实是较为固定的,从08年至今出现过的地点类相关话题大致是一样的,所以同学们根据机经题库中现有的话题以及所在考点三个月内出现的相关考题进行准备和复习,在考中必定能轻松应对地点类话题。

以上就是雅思无忧网为您准备的8月雅思口语part2话题题库 雅思口语part2考试时,自己准备一分钟的提纲说的时候...全部内容。访问雅思无忧网(https://www.yasi.cn/),了解更多雅思考试新消息,新动态。

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