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雅思口语话题题库9月 2021年9月雅思口语题库(完整版)

更新:2023年09月13日 10:12 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语话题题库9月 2021年9月雅思口语题库(完整版),希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语话题题库9月 2021年9月雅思口语题库(完整版)





所以建议同学们千万不要放弃备考,另外,有些问题是同学们在备考中常常忽略的。有些问题是换题季的魔爪无法触碰的地方,同学们要提前准备,比如part 1一开始就会被问到的问题:

Work or Study, Home and Accommodation, Hometown, season等。





由于现在的问题不像以前那么笼统,而是越来越具体,所以同学们在身体过程中一定要谨慎,如 "Describe a person who gives a clever solution to a problem",这里要描述的重点是要放在这个人是如何解决一个难题的,不要看到熟悉的问题就想当然,一定要考虑清楚是不是和之前练过的一样,再组织语言进行回答。烂肆






1.What kind of things do you always remind yourself to do?

2.What kind of things are easily to be forgotten?

3.How to help yourself remind something?


4.What is the most interesting part about your study/work?

5.Where are you studying?

6.What is your major? Why you choose to study that?

7.Do you work or are you a student?

8.What subjects have you studied? Which one of them is your favourite?


9.Which room do you like best?

10.What is your ideal house in the future?

11.What do you feel about your apartment? Do you like the place you live in now?

岁瞎散12.What kind of place do you want to live in the future?


13.What kind of books do you like to read?

14.What kind of books did you enjoy reading in your childhood?

15.Have you ever sent a book to a child?


16.What kind of sports are Chinese students interested in?

17.Would you like to take part in some sports competitions in the future?

Studying Arts

18.What benefits can children get from studying arts?

19.Is it more important to study art subjects or academic subjects?


20.Is your hometown a suitable place for children to grow up?

21.Will you move to a countryside area to live in the future? Why?

22.Can you generally describe your hometown?

23.Is your hometown a good place for people to grow up?


24.Do people in China enjoy swimming?

25.Did you learn swimming when you were little?

26.Is it important for children to learn swimming?

神锋 Taking photos

27.Have you ever taken a family photo?

28.Do you like taking photos of yourself?

Communicating Apps

29.What kind of communicating apps are popular in China? Why?

30.Are you going to use these apps more or less often in the future?


31.What kind of snacks do you like to eat?

32.When do you eat snacks?


33.How can colors affect people’s buying habits?


34.Do you like your junior highschool teachers or senior highschool teachers more?

35.Do you want to become a teacher in the future?

In a hurry

36.Can you do something well in a hurry?

37.Are there something you could never do in a hurry situation?

Introductory questions

38.What is your full name?

39.Where are you from?


40.What kind of films do you like watching?

41.Do you still like the same kind of film?

42.Would you like to make your own film? Do you think you will need some help?


43.Do you like to look at the sky?

44.Is it better to look at the sky at night or on daytime?

45.Where do people usually look at the sky?

Part 2 / Part 3

Describe a new skill that you would like to learn.

What skill you want to develop; How would you learn this skill; Is it difficult

46.What kind of skills do children need to learn?

47.Is it appropriate for children to learn cooking?

48.Is it better for children to learn cooking at school or at home?

49.Are children learning the same thing as they did 30 years ago?

50.Should we learn more about how to use high technology?

51.How has the way people get new information changed compared to the past? What about the future?

52.Would you consider get information from internet without checking any books?

53.To what extent can we believe the information online?

Describe a memorable photo.

When did you see/take it; Why you like it; Who else like it except you

54.Are photos taken by mobilephone better than those taken by a traditional camera?

55.Is it necessary for primary school students to take part in art lessons? What about the *s?

56.How can we benefit from studying arts?

Describe a person who dresses well.

57.Who are more interested in fashion, young people or old people?

58.What kind of outfits are most popular in China?

59.Which is more popular, online store or normal store?

60.Do you think online stores should pay more tax?

61.Do you think online malls, such as Taobao, will take place the traditional stores?

Describe a piece of article about healthy life.

62.Are Chinese people always have a healthy life?

63.How to have a more healthy lifestyle?

64.How do Chinese people get healthy information?

65.Will there be any negative effects if we get too much health information?

66.Why Chinese people always think about KFC or McDonald every time they are talking about junk food? Some of the Chinese food are also not healthy, do you agree?

Describe a kind of noise.

67.Do you like going to noisy places?

68.Why some young people like going to some noisy places, such as bars?

69.What are the benefits and drawbacks of playing background music in a place?

Describe a happy family event.

70.Why family events are important?

71.Can money makes people happier?

72.Do you think being good at something can make people happy?

Describe a garden/park.

Where is it; What does it look like; What do people do there

73.What kind of outdoor activities are popular in China?

74.What do people always do if they go to a park in a city?

75.In what situations do people not like going outside, even if the weather is fine?

76.Is it necessary to build so many neighborhoods in China?

Describe a historical building.

77.What kind of historical buildings are popular? Why are they so attractive?

78.Why historical buildings with a nice surrounding environment are always more attractive?

79.Why sometimes foreign visitors show more interests on historical buildings?

80.What can government do to appeal more travelers to visit historical sites?

81.What is the difference if you watch historical buildings from TV and if you go visiting by yourself?

82.Is history more or less important than science subjects in school?

83.Why it is important to study and focus on history?

Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something.

84.In what situations do people need to wait in a line?

85.Why it is important to be patient?

86.Some people feel that we need to have a slow pace of life, but others think it should be fast. What do you think?

Describe a foreign country you have never been to but want to visit.

87.Why Chinese like traveling abroad these days?

88.What can we get if we travel abroad?

89.What influence would traveling have on local environment?

90.What is the difference of studying abroad and traveling abroad?

Describe a piece music or song which is meaningful to you.

91.When do people sing a song together in your country?

92.What type of songs do young children like?

93.Why some singers are popular around the world?

94.Do people in China listen to songs from other countries?

Describe something useful you borrowed from others.

95.What kind of thins do people usually borrow in your country?

96.Will borrowing thins makes people feel uncomfortable?

97.Do we have to give a promise when we borrow something?

98.Some people are unwilling to lend their valuable items to others. What do you think about it?

99.Should companies ask customers’ opinions regarding their products?

Describe a person who always takes airplane.

100.Do people choose to take airplanes or other means of transport more often in your country?

101.How do people choose different kinds of transport when they want to go out?

Describe what you would do if you were given a day off from you study or work.

102.Are people nowadays busy?

103.What do people do when they are not busy?

104.Do you prefer a short holiday or a long holiday?

105.Do people use computers too frequently when they are working?


雅思口语如何备考?需要哪些材料?口语材料大解析 哪...


一. 雅思口语基础训练资料

1. 雅思口语评分标准


2. 雅思OG口语部分


3. 基础口语模仿材料


二. 雅思口语题库





三. 雅思口语课外练习资料

除了基础口语训练材料和口语题库外,一些口语的课外练习资料也非常优质,比如一些提升口语表达的书籍,一些关于口语常见话题语料总结的书籍等等,这些资料能够帮助大家应对不同类型的话题,在考试中多样化运用句式和语料,让口语答案不落俗套。课外资料的利用要量力而行,如果大家备考时间充裕,可以利用这些课外资料让口语水平更上一层楼, 如果备考时间紧张,建议大家使用基础类口语材料和题库备考即贺此可



首先要知道雅思口语考试中最重要的是第一部分。要把这部分的问题自问自答,注意自己答案pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and fluency .每天要练习2个话题,例如,周一a famous person who influenced Chinese history/a person who took care of you when you were little。最重要的就是把思路整理一下,这样考试中就可以有备无患了。一共70多颂雀个,那么每天2个就可以了。

考过雅思的人都知道,口语的分数有的时候要受或樱贺外界因衫派素的影响。首先,如果你的话题卡是你熟悉的题目,那么你的分数会高。例如,a friend/a leader。这两个卡片在一分钟的准备时间内,你应该谈得好吧。


以上就是雅思无忧网为您准备的雅思口语话题题库9月 2021年9月雅思口语题库(完整版)全部内容。访问雅思无忧网(https://www.yasi.cn/),了解更多雅思考试新消息,新动态。

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