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雅思口语话题题库答案解析 2021年9-12月雅思口语题库

更新:2023年09月13日 10:42 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语话题题库答案解析 2021年9-12月雅思口语题库,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语话题题库答案解析 2021年9-12月雅思口语题库





年年岁岁题不同, 但其实有规律可循

目前,雅思考试已得到全球超过7000家相关机构的认可,随着雅思考试国际认可度的不断提高 ,参加雅思考试的中国学生越来越多。雅思的 笔试题 是提前一年将第二年的题全部准备好的,每次题肯定都不一样,试题都是唯一的。但还是有些规律可循的。比如前一次 作文 出了饼状图的小作*缓、科技类大作文,下一次一般就不会出了,变换题型。但是几次考试过后可能又循环出现了。阅读和听力大体相对如此。题型就那么几种,但话题涉及的范围较广,三立在线 教育 建议考生这两部分还是以多练习多做题为主。

雅思口语每年换三次题库 更新三至四成旧题

雅思口语考试作为雅思考试中最重要的一部分,往往最令中国考生担心,每年一月、五月和九月被称为是口语考试的换题库月,将淘汰30%到40% 旧题并补充相应数量的新题。每一次在换题完成之后,题库就会相对的比较的稳定直到下一次的换题时间。


留学 要过的第一关首先是语言,作为雅思考试中最关键的部分——口语,一直备受考生们关注。口语题目前为止在一般情况下是一月、五月和九月出现新题,所以不太建议考生这三个月报考。这样讲并不意味着其他的月份不会出现换题,只是其他月份话题变化的幅度相对比较小。有些新话题比较难,最好能在考题出现过后提前准备一下,否则在考场上很有可能无法流利对答;而有的新话题是可以用旧话题准备好的答案的,比如以前准备过的旧题是:一个崇拜的人,准备的是描述爷爷,而新话题是一位和你一起住的老人,依然可以用准备过的答案。


1.Between 1950 and 1973, Britain’s GDP grew at an average annual rate of 3%. Growth was hampered by chronic balance of payment deficits. The term “Britain disease” is now used to characterize Britain’s economic decline.


2.By the end of 1947, the British economy had returned to its pre-war levels. The British economy in the 50s and 60s is characterized by show but steady growth, low unemployment and great material prosperity with rising standard of consumption.


3.John m Keynes suggested that the government should use fiscal and monetary policy to fine-tune aggregate demand to achieve full employment, while using prices and incomes policy to suppress inflation at source.


4.The end of 1973 witnessed the first oil shock. As a result the rate of inflation rose to 16% in 1974. In the 1970s among the developed countries Britain maintained the lowest growth rate and the highest inflation rate.


5.The new economic programmed adopted by Mrs. Thatcher was based on the new classical school of thought. Privatization deregulation and market liberalization replaced prices and incomes control and state interventioni*.


6.Mrs. Thatcher’s government took numerous measures to improve the efficiency of the economy during the past decade using both macroeconomic and microeconomic.

在过去十年,撒切尔*运用宏观经济政策和微观经济政策,采取许多 措施 提高经济效益。

7.Just as the 1940s decade is remembered in Britain as the era of nationalization. The 1980s will be remembered as the decade of privatization. During past decade almost 40% of the Britain state enterprises were privatized.


8.Compared with many other countries, Britain has considerable reserves of coal. It was the development of Britain’s coalfields which led to the Industrial Revolution. Today British coal mining is called a “sick” industry.


9.Later nature gas was discovered in 1965 and oil in 1970 under the North Sea. Today Britain is not only self-sufficient in oil but also has a surplus for export.


10.The Midlands has deposits of coal and iron located near each other. Because of these resource the Midlands became the center of steal industry. But today local supplies have became exhausted ore must be imported from Spain·Sweden and elsewhere. The original advantages of the location of many steal works in Britain have gone.


11.The main textile producing regions of Britain are the east Yorkshire and humberside, and northern Ireland. Britain’s textile industry has declined markedly especially in the cotton 、jute and linen production. But the production of high quality woolen goods has not been so severely affected.


根据格罗夫(Grove)音乐辞典记载,古典吉他为鲁特琴族(Lute family)中具有琴格的拨弦乐器。关于吉他起源及其形成之研究,可说是众说纷纭﹔这些理论包括了:1.从古希腊齐特琴(Kithara)及吉他之语源学说(Etymology)中研究得来。2.部分学者推论认为吉他是从美索不达米亚(Mesopotamia),及安娜多利亚(Anatolia)发现的长颈鲁特琴(Lute)所演变而来。3. 另一部分学者研究发现吉他是由*传入欧洲,因为在埃及发现平扁琴背之哥普鲁特琴(Coptic Lute),或可认为是吉他的前身。由于以上大部分均为推论,且早期音乐文献多半失散,以至于在缺乏直接证据的状况下,目前对于吉他真正的起源尚未形成定论,只能从非古典吉他及其他音乐历史文献中寻找可靠而相关的蛛丝马迹。

在中世纪文学中出现和吉他有关的乐器名称,法国称之为Giterne,英国则是gitarer。法国诺曼底公爵(Duke of Normandy)所拥有乐师名单中,有赫特马(Jean Hautmar)弹奏Guiterre Latine及拉贝(Richard Labbe)弹奏Guiterre Moresche等古吉他琴族乐器之记载。马肃(Guillaume de Machaut)亦列出Morache et Guiternes为鲁特琴族之一。由于当时古吉他琴族中的拉丁吉他Guitarra Latina,吉他Guiterne及摩尔吉他uiterreMoresche等音量不能和鲁特琴相抗衡,因此在欧洲大陆吉他无法广为流传,直到文艺复兴时期西班牙出现了比维拉琴(Vihuela)及四弦吉他(Four-Course Guitar)之后,吉他的地位才开始奠定了雏形。

一般称古典吉他为西班牙吉他,因为从16世纪以后,比维拉琴及四弦吉他首先在伊比利半岛上萌芽发展,随后才发展成巴罗克时期五弦吉他,六弦吉他,最后六弦吉他亦在西班牙境内孕育出吉他第一黄金时期,到了现代古典吉他大师塞戈维亚(Andres Segovia)手中,更进一步将古典吉他艺术推广到欧洲之外的亚洲及美洲,形成古典吉他史上的第二黄金期。在古典吉他的演变时期中,虽然也正是音乐史上巴罗克、古典、浪漫时期,器乐己成为主流﹔然而当时吉他却因为无法和交响乐团整体音量匹敌,加上其本身之特殊风格,与乐团乐器之配置有所隔阂,因此成为一独奏乐器。

至于六弦吉他的出现,虽然大部分学者均相信是在法国以及义大利所开始,但却没有任何当代文献证明是由谁最早开始*。反而有一位德国的小提琴与吉他制琴家雅寇﹒奥古斯特。奥图(Jacob Augustus Otto)自称是他在接受了德勒司登的乐团指挥纽曼先生(Herr Neumann)的一张六弦吉他订单之后,特别为他所设计*的。这似乎表示六弦吉他是在德国首先出现的,但是有件事绝对不能忽略,这位制琴师奥图早年均在义大利学习制琴,很有可能当时他就已经在学习过程中见过这种吉他的雏形了。至于西班牙采用六弦吉他的起源,虽然没有书面的记载,但一般相信大约在1820年左右,因为著名的西班牙吉他作曲家兼演奏家阿瓜多(Dionisio Aguado)为六弦吉他所写的教本于1825年在马德里出版,足以证明在此之前,六弦吉他已经有部分人开始使用,所以才会需要这样的教本。 在18世纪末至19世纪初,六弦吉他的发展也逐渐产生一些较为常见的特征,例如由于琴身上下较宽部分又加宽了些,使得曲线更为明显﹔琴桥固定琴弦的方式是将弦缠在本制插梢上,再插入琴桥上预先挖好的六个小孔中加以固定,取代了这之前直接缠绕在琴桥上的设计﹔到了19世纪早期,在琴桥又加上了狭长的骨片或象牙片,作为下弦枕。此外,指板也继续延伸到音孔旁。虽然无法查证何时开始采用这种设计,但可以将其归功于一位德籍制琴家乔治﹒史道弗(George Staufer),值得注意的是,他也是后来移民至美国纽约,并成为美国制琴工业先驱的著名制琴师马汀(Christian Friedrich Martin)的老师。马汀后来在美国研究发展出本土的钢弦吉他,也就是现在流行音乐界所广为使用的民谣吉他鼻祖,有别于当时在欧洲仍采用的羊肠弦吉他。

19世纪早期,吉他形状渐渐改变发展成接近现代吉他的外观:金属弦纽取代木制纽头﹔挖空的音孔取代玫瑰纹饰的音孔﹔琴桥提高了﹔扁平的背板变成标准形式﹔第十二琴格对准琴颈和音箱联结处,此外,华丽的装饰也几乎完全消失了。在这名家辈出的时代,必须提到这位被称为近代吉他*之父的著名人物,西班牙制琴师安东尼奥﹒托雷斯(Antonio de Torres Jurado, 1817~1892)。他所设计出的吉他新形式,可说是凌驾于在这之前所有形态的吉他。他将弦长定为65公分,琴身内部构造以响孔为起点,在音箱内部配置有七根扇形力木,并将原本较为窄小的琴身扩大,这种设计大大地提高吉他的音响效果,引起各著名制琴师的仿效,成为现代古典吉他的*典范。



大小 在 狮子座 流星雨中,一颗5等流星通常仅由一个0.00006克、直径0.5毫米的流星体产生。狮子座流星雨中的可见流星的大部分流星,体直径在1毫米到1厘米之间。

速度 一个微小的流星体就足以产生在几百公里之外就能看见的亮光,其原因就在于流星体的高速度。在刚进入地球大气层时狮子座流星雨中流星体的速度可达71公里/每秒。

光之来源 当流星体闯入地球大气时,它与大量的空气分子相碰撞,使颗粒的外层微粒被撞离母体。在碰撞的过程中,一些空气分子发生电离。当被离解的电子再次被原子俘获时便会产生发光现象。

流星的颜色 大部分的狮子座流星颜色,像钠灯燃烧时的色彩。一个流星的颜色是流星体的化学成分及反应温度的体现:钠原子发出橘黄色的光,铁为黄色,镁是蓝绿色,钙为紫色,硅是红色。

声音 流星通常不会发出可以听见的声音。如果你没有看到它的话,它就会悄无声息的一扫而过。对于非常亮的流星,曾经有人听到过声音。这些声响主要集中在低频波段。一个非常亮的流星,如火流星,可能会听到声音。如果流星体的直径大于大气分子的平均自由程,则在流星体的前边会产生大量的激波。偶然情况下,这些激波会深入到大气的底层从而被我们听到。听起来像远处发出的隆隆声。

持久余迹 流星有时会在它通过的轨道上留下一条持久的余迹。余迹主体颜色多为绿色,是中性的氧原子。持续时间通常为1到10秒。可见余迹亮度迅速下降,在极限星等为4到5等的情况下,一般可持续1到30分钟。这些亮光来自炽热空气和流星体中的金属原子。

雅思听力每年换题库吗相关 文章 :

★ 快速做好雅思听力选择题的技巧是什么?

★ 关于雅思英语的听力多选题解答技巧分享

★ 关于雅思听力,你一定要知道的答题技巧!

★ 雅思听力老师提高不了?可能是因为这些问题

★ 雅思听力考试中常见问题大汇总

★ 雅思听力关于地图题究竟要怎么听?

★ 雅思这些听力选择题高分技巧你知道吗

★ 雅思听力审题技巧

★ 解锁雅思听力地图题解题新姿势

★ 雅思听力对形容词的出题点的汇总和解析




Part 1





Vegetable &fruit




Text messages/phone calls

Time management





Social network




Reading books

Public holidays






Forget about things/memory




Help others

Hanging out with friends



Emails and letters




Being in a hurry

Being alone

Part 2&Part 3:


A person who dress well描述一个穿着得体的人

A famous person you would like to meet描述一个你想见的著名的人

A famous person from the news you would like to meet描述一个你想见的从新闻里知道的著名人士(新题)

A person you know who is good at a foreign language一个外语学得好的人

A child that did something that made you laugh

A family member who spent the most time with you跟你待时间最长的家人(新题)

A famous person from the news you would like to meet

A person who likes traveling by plane喜欢乘飞机旅游的人(新题)

A person whose job is useful to the society一个从事有益于社会工作的人


A restaurant

A park that you can relax

A historical building

A place near water

A place (not home) that makes you relaxed 让你放松数或的地方

A street that you know你熟知的一条街 (新题)

A house or apartment you would like to live 你想住的房子

A country that you have never been to but you want to go 一个没去过但想去的国家

A place where you can read or write (not your home) 一个你读书写字的地方(家里除外)

A café 咖啡馆


An occasion you got up extremely early

A time when you feel surprised to meet someone

A time you had a disagreement with your friend

An educational trip you took

A team you have been part of 曾经加入的团队

A special trip you want to take in the future 未来想开展的一次特殊旅行

A success in your life

Borrowing something

A long journey you traveled by car 一次长途汽车旅行(新题)

A long walk you enjoyed 远足的经历 (新题)

A way you communicate with others

An occasion that you made you happy

A special festival

An important conversation that influenced you

An occasion that you forget something

An article you read from magazine or Internet about healthy life从杂志或网站上看到的关于健康的文章(新题)

An occasion when someone or something made noise遇到噪音的情景(新题)

A new skill you want to learn想学习的新技能

A law that can help your country to protect the environment一项可以保护环境的法律(新题)

Something important you once forgot to do一件曾经忘记去做的重要事情

A time that you were looking at the sky 一次观看天空的经历(新题)

A situation waiting for somebody or something 一次等某人或某事的经历

Your plan if you have one-day holiday 如果有一天的假期你会做什么

An activity that keeps you fit让你保持健康的运动

An indoor game (not about sport) you liked to play when you were a child 小时候做的室内游戏

A paid work you or someone enjoyed doing有偿工作

Something you want to learn more 想继续学习的东西

A change that will improve your local area对你所在的地方有所提高的改变

An important stage in your life重要的人生阶段


An electronic machine you want to buy

A *all and successful company

An educational TV program

A paid job

An indoor game

A change

A picture

A gift you recently received (or a gift that takes u long time to choose)最近收到的礼物或者花长时间挑选的礼物

A vehicle you want to buy

Something you want to continue learning

An Advertisement

A film you’ve watched

An important job

A piece of art

Something you waited for

A law

An article about healthy living

A skill you would like to learn

Something you borrowed that was useful你借过的有用的东西

An art or a craft you made at school 在学校做过的手工 (新题)


An Educational TV program教育电视节目

A useful website 有用的网站

An advertisement 描述一则广告

A song that impressed you a lot印象深刻的歌曲


Colors颜色一直是雅思口语高频口语题。下面是雅思口语描述你喜欢的颜色的 方法 ,跟我一起来了解下吧:

雅思口语 范文 :描述你喜欢的颜色

1. What is your favorite color?


I love vibrant colors, especially bright red. You know, clearly, red symbolizes good fortune and wealth in our culture, so Chinese normally dress in red during Lunar New Year. Moreover, the jacket in red really makes me look energetic

我喜欢有活力的颜色,尤其是亮红色。很明显,红色在我们的 文化 中象征着好运和财富,所以中国人一般在 春节 的时候都会穿红色。而且,红色外套让我看上去充满活力!


vibrant adj.充满迟陵活力的 energetic adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的;

2. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?


Yes, my favorite colors are black and white and I love wearing clothes in neutral colors because it can reflect my personality. Actually, I’ve seen some of the fashion magazines telling that monochronic shirt is the future fashion trend.



neutral adj.中立的; (化学中)中性的 reflect v.反映,反射 monochronic adj.出现一次的

3. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?


Sure, Chinese people actually are quite superstitious. They put different meaning on colors, for example, red, yellow and green are occasionally used for festivals in order to express their joyfulness and happiness. So, they normally combine these colors together to decorate their home and courtyard.



superstitious adj.迷信的; 有迷信观念的 occasionally adv.偶尔; 偶然; 有时候 decorate vt. 装饰; 点缀;

4. Do you think different types of people like different colors?


Sure, well, I think people in different personality will certainly affect their favorite color, what I mean is, if they are sportive, outgoing with positive thinking, they’ll choose something like warm colors, you know like, red, orange and yellow, which tend to make you think of sunlight and warmth.



certainly 当然 outgoing v.外向 positive thinking 思维活跃 tend to 倾向于

5. How important do you think colors are?


Well, I’d say, color is a crucial ingredient in our daily life, especially when related to culture and religion. For instance, in Chinese culture, yellow signifies freedom from worldly cares and that’s why all monks’ garments are in yellow.



crucial adj.关键的,十分重要的 ingredient n.因素 signifie 所指 garment 服装


纵观当前的考查范围,可以说“色彩”几乎贯穿了整个口语考题的三个部分。在part 1中,有个topic关于颜色,着眼于考察考生们“最喜爱的颜色”,“偏爱深色还是浅色”以及“一些颜色在中国是否有着特殊的意义”等。而在part 2中,有个地点类话题“Describe a place you went to that was full of color”,要求考生描述一个多彩的地方,是一个典型的色彩与地点结合的考题。



What is your favorite color?

Possible answer from students:

Well, as for my favorite color, I think it is blue. Because I like blue sky, and the color of blue always reminds of the blue ocean and sky. You know, I really enjoy walking in the long and soft beaches and feeling the sea breeze.



其实,不同的文化中,相同的颜色往往意味着不同的含义。例如上述答案中提到的“蓝色”。中国人面对蓝色肯定感觉是心驰神往般的舒畅。实际上,蓝色在英语国家有忧郁的含义,如美国有“蓝色星期一”(blue Monday),指心情不好的星期一。blue sky在英语中意思是“没有价值”,所以,把“蓝天”牌台灯翻译成Blue Sky Lamp, 意思便是“没用的台灯”,这样的台灯怎能销得出去呢?另外,埃及人和比利时人视蓝色为倒霉的颜色。所以,上述考生的答案虽然客观陈述了天空和大海的颜色,但是因为考官对“蓝色”的西式理解是截然不同的,非常有可能引起不认同感和偏差感。



Describe a place you went to that was full of color

You should say:

Where it was

Why you went there

What you did there

And explain why you think this place was made so colorful.

Simple Answer:

If I have to say a few words on a place I went to that was full of color, what comes to my mind first is a place called Manama, the capital city of a middle-east country named the kingdom of Bahrain.

As far as I can recall, about 3 years ago, I joined a volunteer group and went there to do some volunteer job. Definitely, besides the job, I visited a lot of fantastic places and took thousands of pictures. A place, which impressed me most, is a fort. You know, forts can be commonly found in Arabic cities, but the forts in Manama are so unique. Because they are built in various colors, like dark yellow, white, light blue and even purple. That was so amazing that attracts millions of people from all over the word every year. One of my local friends told me that why should these fort been built in different colors is closely connected to local cultures. You know, different religions are mixed up in this mid east land.

I think I was deeply attracted by the amazing colorful forts there and even curious about its mysterious culture there.


My favourite colour is green and I have loved this colour from my early childhood. Green is the colour of nature, liveliness, fertility and freshness. The first reason I like this colour is that the nature bears this colour everywhere. There is nothing more beautiful than the vast green trees, green vista and fields. Green is the symbol of life and it represents the safety. The colour green also represents good luck, health, tranquility. This colour has long been a symbol for fertility and that's why once been used in the wedding gowns mostly in 15th century. This colour is often used in decorating to show the calmness.

If we judge the colour green from the colour psychology perspective, we learn that green balances the heart and emotions and thus create the equilibrium in heart and brain. From the meaning of colour perspective, green is the symbol of growth, colour of spring and symbolizes renewal and rebirth. It is the sanctuary away from the complexity and stresses of the modern lives and the tranquility of the calm, fresh and greener area.

I have my wall painted in green colour and it is generally believed that green is an eye friendly colour unlike red. The mild green colour is a popular colour which does not look too violent or too dull. I liked this colour even in my childhood and that I can be sure from the dominant green usages in my childhood paints. My teachers sometimes laughed at my weakness on green colour when I painted a green sun and green moon. I still remember I pained a green alien and that painting became very famous among our friends.

I am not quite sure how my fascination started growing on green colour but I guess I started liking this colour as I had spent my childhood in an area where green was the most dominating colour. This was the colour of nature and I was surrounded by the beauty of nature. I noticed in my childhood that green is the colour for living and yellow and red means dying, specifically for the trees and plants I had. May be this idea influenced my preference of colour. May be this choice is not directly related to any of my experience and reflected in a later stage as part of my individuality and personal preference. Whatever is the reason, I guess Green is a colour of profound importance and is my favourite colour.

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

1. Describe a colour you really like

2. Describe a colour that you always prefer

3. Describe the most beautiful colour


What’s your favorite color?


I love the color white because it’s so clean and pure. When I wear white, I feel very peaceful at heart. But I have to pay attention because it gets dirty so easily. I think a white Tee Shirt and blue jeans are the best combination.


I think black is very mysterious and sophisticated. For a girl, it looks very sexy. And when you wear black you look thinner, because the color is very slimming.


It’s the color of the sea and the sky. It’s also the color of jeans.

So I guess in a sense, it’s a young and free color.


Red is the hottest and most enthusiastic color you can ever imagine.

And it’s the color of China.


The color green reminds me of the nature and the environment.

It’s the color of Spring when all lives come back around us.

So wearing this color, I feel very close to nature.

Do you like the same color now as you did when you were younger?


Well, yeah.

I’m a kind of person that likes something and doesn’t change.

And I think the colors of black and white are the most classic.

I’m a simple guy, so I like simple colors.


I guess it changed. When I was young, I was childish, so I like bright colors, such as light yellow and shiny red. But now, I’m a 20 years old young man, I’m more mature, and so I like more understated colors, such as dark blue or deep green.

What can you learn about a person from the color they like?

I think you can tell about a person’s personality by his or her favorite colors.

For example, if a person loves the color red, he’s very out-going and not afraid to show his feelings and emotions. But if a person loves black, for instance, she maybe very reserved and mysterious. She may not want to share too much with others.

Do any colors have special meanings in your culture?

I think the colors of red and yellow represent our home country, China,

because they’re the main colors of the national flag.

The color red also means happy occasions, such as wedding.

I know that the color white means wedding in the west.

Yet, the it means death in China.

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雅思 题库4个月友空陆更新一次。1月至4月、5月至8月、9月至12月各为一个季度。所以每年的1月、5月、9月是雅思口语的换题季。







1.What kind of things do you always remind yourself to do?

2.What kind of things are easily to be forgotten?

3.How to help yourself remind something?


4.What is the most interesting part about your study/work?

5.Where are you studying?

6.What is your major? Why you choose to study that?

7.Do you work or are you a student?

8.What subjects have you studied? Which one of them is your favourite?


9.Which room do you like best?

10.What is your ideal house in the future?

11.What do you feel about your apartment? Do you like the place you live in now?

岁瞎散12.What kind of place do you want to live in the future?


13.What kind of books do you like to read?

14.What kind of books did you enjoy reading in your childhood?

15.Have you ever sent a book to a child?


16.What kind of sports are Chinese students interested in?

17.Would you like to take part in some sports competitions in the future?

Studying Arts

18.What benefits can children get from studying arts?

19.Is it more important to study art subjects or academic subjects?


20.Is your hometown a suitable place for children to grow up?

21.Will you move to a countryside area to live in the future? Why?

22.Can you generally describe your hometown?

23.Is your hometown a good place for people to grow up?


24.Do people in China enjoy swimming?

25.Did you learn swimming when you were little?

26.Is it important for children to learn swimming?

神锋 Taking photos

27.Have you ever taken a family photo?

28.Do you like taking photos of yourself?

Communicating Apps

29.What kind of communicating apps are popular in China? Why?

30.Are you going to use these apps more or less often in the future?


31.What kind of snacks do you like to eat?

32.When do you eat snacks?


33.How can colors affect people’s buying habits?


34.Do you like your junior highschool teachers or senior highschool teachers more?

35.Do you want to become a teacher in the future?

In a hurry

36.Can you do something well in a hurry?

37.Are there something you could never do in a hurry situation?

Introductory questions

38.What is your full name?

39.Where are you from?


40.What kind of films do you like watching?

41.Do you still like the same kind of film?

42.Would you like to make your own film? Do you think you will need some help?


43.Do you like to look at the sky?

44.Is it better to look at the sky at night or on daytime?

45.Where do people usually look at the sky?

Part 2 / Part 3

Describe a new skill that you would like to learn.

What skill you want to develop; How would you learn this skill; Is it difficult

46.What kind of skills do children need to learn?

47.Is it appropriate for children to learn cooking?

48.Is it better for children to learn cooking at school or at home?

49.Are children learning the same thing as they did 30 years ago?

50.Should we learn more about how to use high technology?

51.How has the way people get new information changed compared to the past? What about the future?

52.Would you consider get information from internet without checking any books?

53.To what extent can we believe the information online?

Describe a memorable photo.

When did you see/take it; Why you like it; Who else like it except you

54.Are photos taken by mobilephone better than those taken by a traditional camera?

55.Is it necessary for primary school students to take part in art lessons? What about the *s?

56.How can we benefit from studying arts?

Describe a person who dresses well.

57.Who are more interested in fashion, young people or old people?

58.What kind of outfits are most popular in China?

59.Which is more popular, online store or normal store?

60.Do you think online stores should pay more tax?

61.Do you think online malls, such as Taobao, will take place the traditional stores?

Describe a piece of article about healthy life.

62.Are Chinese people always have a healthy life?

63.How to have a more healthy lifestyle?

64.How do Chinese people get healthy information?

65.Will there be any negative effects if we get too much health information?

66.Why Chinese people always think about KFC or McDonald every time they are talking about junk food? Some of the Chinese food are also not healthy, do you agree?

Describe a kind of noise.

67.Do you like going to noisy places?

68.Why some young people like going to some noisy places, such as bars?

69.What are the benefits and drawbacks of playing background music in a place?

Describe a happy family event.

70.Why family events are important?

71.Can money makes people happier?

72.Do you think being good at something can make people happy?

Describe a garden/park.

Where is it; What does it look like; What do people do there

73.What kind of outdoor activities are popular in China?

74.What do people always do if they go to a park in a city?

75.In what situations do people not like going outside, even if the weather is fine?

76.Is it necessary to build so many neighborhoods in China?

Describe a historical building.

77.What kind of historical buildings are popular? Why are they so attractive?

78.Why historical buildings with a nice surrounding environment are always more attractive?

79.Why sometimes foreign visitors show more interests on historical buildings?

80.What can government do to appeal more travelers to visit historical sites?

81.What is the difference if you watch historical buildings from TV and if you go visiting by yourself?

82.Is history more or less important than science subjects in school?

83.Why it is important to study and focus on history?

Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something.

84.In what situations do people need to wait in a line?

85.Why it is important to be patient?

86.Some people feel that we need to have a slow pace of life, but others think it should be fast. What do you think?

Describe a foreign country you have never been to but want to visit.

87.Why Chinese like traveling abroad these days?

88.What can we get if we travel abroad?

89.What influence would traveling have on local environment?

90.What is the difference of studying abroad and traveling abroad?

Describe a piece music or song which is meaningful to you.

91.When do people sing a song together in your country?

92.What type of songs do young children like?

93.Why some singers are popular around the world?

94.Do people in China listen to songs from other countries?

Describe something useful you borrowed from others.

95.What kind of thins do people usually borrow in your country?

96.Will borrowing thins makes people feel uncomfortable?

97.Do we have to give a promise when we borrow something?

98.Some people are unwilling to lend their valuable items to others. What do you think about it?

99.Should companies ask customers’ opinions regarding their products?

Describe a person who always takes airplane.

100.Do people choose to take airplanes or other means of transport more often in your country?

101.How do people choose different kinds of transport when they want to go out?

Describe what you would do if you were given a day off from you study or work.

102.Are people nowadays busy?

103.What do people do when they are not busy?

104.Do you prefer a short holiday or a long holiday?

105.Do people use computers too frequently when they are working?


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