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雅思口语part2旅游题库 雅思口语PART2新题 求范文

更新:2023年09月13日 12:27 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语part2旅游题库 雅思口语PART2新题 求范文,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语part2旅游题库 雅思口语PART2新题 求范文

雅思口语PART2新题 求范文

Describe a place you visited

Well, I have visited quite a number of countries around the world with one place being particularly impressive to me, which is the Royal Grand Palace in Bangkok,Thailand-the place where the King used to live. The buildings in the Royal Grand Palace can be generally divided into two types: temples and mansions.

The temples are all decorated in an extravagant style. I was told that the outer part of the temples used to be decorated with real gold and gems . However, it turned out that these expensive material "disappeared " soon after they were installed. As a result, they have all been replaced by artificial gold and glass today.

The mansions there are quite spacious as the King himself and all his wives used to live there.

You know, in Thailand, a man can marry more than one wife owing to the fact that there are much more women than men in this country.

So in the mansion, you will see numerous rooms with one room for a single wife. Seeing that, you can’t help envying the "wonderful wife" the King enjoys!


求雅思口语part2话题范文。 1人物类。2物品类。3地...

艺术也始终是雅思考官们钟爱的一个考点,也有不少的重复率。其中较多涉及的主题有:music, work of art, sculpture, painting, handicraft, song。这类考题其实和诸如人物描述,爱好描述的卡片都有部分重合之处,大家在准备的时候也可以适当套用。比如有的卡片要求描述一个歌手,当然不可避免的要谈论他的音乐。描述爱好当然就更容易串这些艺术的东西了。
Describe A Handicraft
Describe a handicraft you made.
You should say:
What it is.
How it was made.
How long it took to make it.
And explain why you like it.
The handicraft I am going to talk about is the paper-cut one. Before almost every Spring Festival, my mom would buy piles of paper cuttings to decorate the home. They would be pasted on the windows and the entrances to bring good luck. But this year, I decided to make the decoration all by myself.
A master of the craft can cut out different drawings freely only using a pair of scissors. But I didn’t venture to do it that way. I googled the pattern I wanted before printing it out on a piece of red paper. It was the character ‘Chun’. Then I used an engraving knife to cut out the pattern. And an amazing piece of folk art emerged.
It was easier than I had thought. I only spent half an hour doing all the printing and cutting.
After the festival, I fell in love with paper cutting. The craft is not difficult to learn, although it is very difficult to master with perfection. Also, it helps to create a merry atmosphere on special occasions, such as festivals and wedding ceremonies. Furthermore, paper cutting, with which people express wishes, is one of China’s most popular folk art. It is a piece of art that helps to preserve traditions.
最后一段从三个方面论述了我喜爱剪纸的原因。其中fall in love with的表达方式可以用来替代love, like。最后的一个词组preserve traditions值得大家学习,在很多艺术类考题中都能用上。
更多的雅思口语范文请参考: http://www.newchannel.org/ielts/kouyu/

2021年雅思考试:雅思口语part2地点类答题方法 - 百...

雅思口语考试中,第二部分主要分为people/places/events/objects四个类别,其中地点类的口语话题经常是考试的重点,出现频率颇为频繁,以最近几个月的考试为例,就考到了describe your ideal house/ describe a cafe/ describe a city you visited before/ describe a garden/ describe a crowded place 等。本文将以describe a cafe为例,详细分析雅思口语第二部分中地点类题型的答题技巧。

通过观察所有地点类题型的后,我们不难发现,所有题目的出题逻辑都是围绕5个“W”和一个 “H”展开的。他们分别是Where, When, Who, What (see, do), Why and How. 例如 describe a cafe这个题目,试题主要集中在询问考生what the cafe is; where it is; what it sells and explain why you like it

作为 Where这个元素,其实可以提前做好充分的准备,只要懂得灵活运用表示方位的词汇就好,例如 east/west of the city, in the heart of city, opposite to, on the other side of, only within a short walking distance, it is very easy to catch a cab or bus to, while on east and west are xxx and xxx neighborhoods(xxx处可用地点代替,如dormitory of international students of Nanjing University, tea houses, many western restaurants)等,当然east and west这样的方位词也可以根据实际情况加以替换,考生只要根据不同的话题进行套用以上句型就可以了。

When和Who主要是介绍建筑建造的年代和到访的人群,基本做个简单的回答就可以了,类似 It was established/ built/ finished in 一个年代就好,有很多考生纠结于建筑建造的确切年代, 其实这里说一个模糊的感念就可以了,例如1930s 或是couple years ago. 如果一个建筑的建造时间久远,还可以以The building has existed there since I was born 带过。在说When的时候还可以结合How often you visit this place? 一起回答,例如,pretty much every weekend, twice a month, every two days, grab a cup of coffee there almost everyday等。

在说What这个问题时,要从what you can see?和 what you can do?两方面去考虑。说一个建筑里能看见什么,无非是它的造型(shape,是不是有个distinctive shape),大小(size of a basketball court 或是 it covers an area of 90 square meters) 装潢(interior design, 是不是exquisite, 有没有一些glass curtain walls, 和chandelier, 墙上可能还挂着很多的oil paintings)和布局(layout), 几层楼, 也许你所描述的咖啡馆是个two-story building, 在ground floor可以看见一个cash counter (put your order),display window presents a wide range of lovely desserts and pastries there, 然后可以列举一系列的甜点名称cupcakes, waffles, muffins, brownies, blueberry cheese cake, black forest, tiramisu, chocolate mud cake, hand made cookies and so on ,并着重介绍某个best seller, 例如,the home made ice cream is a must-have there, it tastes awesome! 在second floor可以看到一些wooden or *all round tables,还有那种big couches with some colorful and soft cushions on it. 当然self service area是大多数咖啡店都会有的,一般顾客可以在拿自行获取creamer, milk, tissues, straws, sugar, mixers, 也可说stirrers or blenders (这些词都可以用来“包装”CAFE这个话题)。

Why?为什么喜欢是要重点交代的一点,这时可以综合所有你曾经去过的咖啡店的优点来个头脑风暴(brain storm), 也许你喜欢的原因可能是这个咖啡店的beverages, (variety of choices, like Americano, Latte, cappuccino, *oothies, hot chocolate, lemonade, bubble tea, pearl milk tea and so on.)或是早餐(bagels, doughnuts, sandwiches, chicken wraps, *ash egg, cheese and bacons ), 也许店家是位expert of coffee making, 因为每杯手工调制的咖啡上都会有很漂亮的coffee art, maybe a heart shape or a *ile face! Competitive price that I can afford as a student 也可能是你喜欢的原因. 还有很多其他原因会让你对某家咖啡印象深刻,环境(the atmosphere is relaxing, cozy and not too loud, a wonderful place that free from distractions and interruptions, good lighting), 服务(they are fast and friendly, flexible to customize according to customer's requests, “buy six, get one free” loyal card, free wifi connection is a positive plus)甚至是个romantic place for dating, waiters are very cute and waitresses are drop-dead gorgeous也都可能是你喜欢上一个咖啡馆的原因。



出题逻辑:围绕5个“W”和一个 “H”
通过观察所有地点类题型会发现,所有题目的出题逻辑都是围绕5个“W”和一个 “H”展开的。他们分别是Where, When, Who, What (see, do), Why and How.。
作为 Where这个元素,其实可以提前做好充分准备,懂得灵活运用表示方位词汇好,考生可以根据不同话题套用固定句型。
When和Who主要是介绍建筑建造的年代和到访的人群,基本做个简单回答可以了,类似It was established/ built/ finished in 一个年代好。在说When时,还可以结合How often you visit this place? 一起做出回答。
在雅思口语Part 2中,地点类话题是每次都会考到的,虽然每次考比重不是的,但是还是建议考生们在备考过程中必须要认真准备这一类话题。
在说What这个问题时,要从what you can see?和 what you can do?两方面考虑。说一个建筑里能看见什么,无非是它造型,大小,装潢(interior design, 是不是exquisite, 有没有一些glass curtain walls, 和chandelier, 墙上可能还挂着很多的oil paintings)和布局(layout), 几层楼,, 然后可以列举一系列甜点名称;并着重介绍某个best seller。
Why?为什么喜欢是要交代一点,这时可以综合所有你曾经去过的咖啡店优点来个头脑风暴。 也许你喜欢原因可能是这个咖啡店的饮料,或是早餐, 也许店是位*咖啡的专:因为每杯手工调制的咖啡上都会有很漂亮……都是喜欢的原因。
口语Part 2话题中地点类话题其实是较为固定的,从08年至今出现过的地点类相关话题大致是一样的,所以同学们根据机经题库中现有的话题以及所在考点三个月内出现的相关考题进行准备和复习,在考中必定能轻松应对地点类话题。

雅思口语part2要准备哪些话题? ?


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