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口语雅思part2笔记技巧65 生死时速!雅思口语part2如何利用黄金60秒

更新:2023年09月13日 16:21 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了口语雅思part2笔记技巧65 生死时速!雅思口语part2如何利用黄金60秒,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
口语雅思part2笔记技巧65 生死时速!雅思口语part2如何利用黄金60秒


Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger
You should say
Who this person was
What the conversation was about
Why you had this conversation
And how you felt about itYou should say:
Who this person is
What kind of job this person does
How you knew him or her
And explain why this person is good at his or her job.

Describe someone you would like to study or work with You should say:
Who this person is
How long you have known this person
What you have done together
And explain why you would like to work/ study with this personDescribe a time you borrowed something from others.
You should say:
What the situation was
What you borrowed
Whom you borrowed it from
And explain why you borrowed it.Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare
You should say:
What it was
Who you gave it to
How you prepared it
And explain why you spent a lot of time preparing it
Describe something lost by others but found by you.
You should say:
When it happened;
What you picked up;
How you did with the lost thing;
And how did you feel about it.Describe a time you felt tired but had to keep awake
You should say
Why you felt tired
Why you had to keep awake
What you had to do to keep awake
and explain how you felt about the experienceDescribe a school you went to in your childhood
Where it was
What it was like
What you learned there
And how you felt about it



生死时速!雅思口语part2如何利用黄金60秒!烤鸭中的老鸟应该都知道,在雅思口语Part 2中,但答题之前,你有近一分钟时间进行准备。很多考生对这段准备时间有所轻视,要么因为自己抽到的话题恰好准备过了,所以觉得这一分钟可有可无;要么自己抽到了压根没有准备过的话题,一时间慌了神。再加上不知怎样做笔记,一分钟很信御快就过去了。其实这60s可谓是秒秒似黄金似生死时速般珍贵。请看这60s我们能做什么? 根据小编自身考和众多考生的雅思口语part2考经验,考官一般会在考生准备60秒左右的时候询问是否准备好。所以,这黄金般珍贵的60秒对后面近2分钟的陈述起到了至关重要的作用。接下来,我就将这50秒钟做一个切片,一起和大探讨一下怎样有效利用这段时间。 雅岁宴思口语黄金60秒之1――15秒:审清题目,拟定内容 当你拿到话题卡后,迅速浏览上面的标题,千万不要错看或漏看任何一个单词。由于考生在考前都有大量准备,许多口语话题在脑海中已经形成惯性。比如‘Describe a dream you have had in mind since thechildhood.’,如果考生讲的是现在的梦想,就会失分;再如 ‘Describe an unforgettable (or, enjoyable)activity that you have taken part in as part of your English study.’,如果考生一直在说一个和英语学习无关的活动,即使再难忘也跑题了。 除了仔细看清楚题目,下面的提示点也要迅速浏览一遍,并利用提示点组织思路和思考自己接下来要说的内容。因为时间有限,口语的笔记好能够建立在卡片上4点提纲的基础上。很多考生的习惯是看完标题后对提示点乎坦银不闻不顾,这样是很危险的。 比如有道题目让学生描述‘A class or course that you have studied (or are studyingnow)’,后一个提示点为‘And explain how useful this class was (or is) towards your futuregoals.’ 如果考生没有注意到这个提示点,很有可能只是对该课程的好处大谈特谈,而忽略“这门课程对你未来的目标有什么帮助”。即使你说的再流利,也因为不切题而扣分了。 16――25秒:记录话题背景要点 话题卡前两个提示点大都关于 ‘Who’ ‘What’ ‘Where’‘When’等背景信息的描述,所以考生可以利用10秒钟时间迅速在你的稿纸上记录一下时间,地点和所讲述的人或物的名称。对于这些背景信息,好能够用缩写或者用只有你自己才能够读懂的略写的方式,比如长城你可以直接写作‘GW’, 紫禁城可写作 ‘F city’。有时候,你也可以直接在稿纸上简单的画上两笔,以作提示。 雅思口语黄金60秒之26――35秒:记录话题主体要点 话题卡的三个提示点基本上询问 ‘Why…’和 ‘How…’。比如对于一件物品,会问 ‘Why you bought it’;对于一本书,会问‘Why you read it’;对于一件事,会问 ‘Why it is unforgettable (or, why you enjoyedit)’。 当然,有的时候也会通过‘What…’让考生进行细节的描述,比如描述一位老师,会问 ‘What was special abouthim/her.’;描述一位餐厅,会问 ‘What its environment looks like’;描述人物性格,会问 ‘What is his/herpersonality andlifestyle’。所以,对于话题描述的主体部分,考生好能够列出几个点,可以是关键词或短语,但好不要用长句子。另外,要注意各个点之间的联系和点与点之间的衔接,按照一定的时间或者空间顺序。 36――45秒:记录话题思想要点 话题卡中后一问通常以 ‘Explain how…’ 或者 ‘Explain what and how…’,有时候也通过疑问句来引导考生说出自己的感受或观点,比如 ‘Are you going to change it in the future? Why orwhy not’, ‘What made it so memorable for you?’ ‘What made the movie so appealingto you?’ 等等。在雅思口语培训过程中,笔者通常会提供给考生一些关于心理感受的词或短语,甚至要求考生背诵相应的2-3个描述心理活动的段落。 通过大量的接触雅思话题卡,你一定会发现三个提示点大都是问某个人,某件事对你造成的影响;你从某个建议或故事中得到的启发;你对某件物品,某个地方的喜爱程度。如果你能够在考前就有所准备,看到话题卡中的思想要点时,就能够迅速想出关键词,列出大纲了。 雅思口语黄金60秒之45――60秒:回顾所记,开始答题 当你完成了前45秒的准备,如果考官还没有问你是否已经准备好,你可以再给自己五秒钟的时间把记下的关键词,大纲迅速浏览一遍。总而言之,雅思口语part2话题卡一定要做一些简单的笔记,帮助自己理清思路,避免在接下来描述的1到2分钟里出现磕磕绊绊,大脑短路,无话可说的尴尬场面。 以上就是上海雅思培训老师为你带来的《雅思口语part2如何把握黄金60秒 生死时速!》的全部内容。让雅思口语考有了百米赛跑的感觉,让人肾上腺素激发,这就是雅思考的特魅力。祝2021的所有Ieltser年与雅思一战分手。更多雅思口语相关备考信息,请持续关注环球青藤频道。


在你的生活中,有哪一些改变是比较重要的呢?下面我给大家带来雅思口语Part 2&3新题:重要的改变,来瞅瞅!

雅思口语Part 2&3新题:重要的改变

Describe an important change in your life (work or study). (New)

You should say:

What the change was

When and where this change happened

What caused this change

And explain how you benefited from this change.

Part 3

1. How do children deal with changes in their life?

2. What are the features of the children who are used to having changes?

3. Is your country changing rapidly?

雅思口语Part 2新题预测:积极的改变


Describe a positive change that you made to your life.

You should say:

when it happened

where it happened

what the change was

and explain how you have benefited from this change

( or, explain how you feel about this change)

雅思口语part2 范文 :

The positive change that I would like to talk about is ‘I started playing outdoor games instead ofplaying computer games’. After I got my first personal computer when I was only 9 years old orso, I started learning many things. Besides that I started playing the computer games. Ascomputer games are addictive I found that I was playing the games whenever I had spare times.This addiction barred me from playing outdoor games like cricket, football etc.

我想说的积极的变化是“我开始体验户外活动,而不是玩电脑游戏”。当我只有9岁的时候,我得到了第一台个启亮激人电脑,我开始学习很多东西。键郑除此之外,我开始玩电脑游戏。电脑游戏让人上瘾,我发现只要有空闲时间,我就在玩游戏。这种上瘾使我不能玩像板悄袜球、 足球 等户外活动。

I found myself very much attracted to the computer games and I preferred to play the games athome instead of going to open spaces or fields to participate in outdoor games that involvephysical exercises. Not that computer games are all so bad, but playing them all the timesomeone has got is not a good thing especially for kids. I found that I was spending more timesat home than being outside. After my parents noticed that, they discussed with me about thatand explained me the importance of outdoor activities. They gave me strict restriction that Iwould only be able to play computer games for an hour daily and in the evening I’d have to gooutside to play with my friends.

我发现自己对电脑游戏很感兴趣,我更喜欢玩游戏,而不是去露天或田野参加 户外运动 ,参加体育锻炼。并不是说电脑游戏都是那么糟糕,但是玩它们的时间对孩子来说不是一件好事。我发现我在家里花的时间比在外面多。在我父母注意到这一点后,他们和我讨论了这个问题,并向我解释了户外活动的重要性。他们给了我严格的限制,我只能每天玩一个小时的电脑游戏,晚上我得出去和朋友们玩。

This was obviously a very positive change for me. I’m not against computer games but I feel thatif there are more important things to do, then we should not spend time on computer games only.This change affected me very positively. I became a good cricket player later on, I startedmaintaining my times more prudently and I am sure this change has affected me positively interms of physical and mental health.


雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:所做的积极改变

Describe a positive change that you have made to your life.

You should say:

what the change was

when it happened

where it happened

and explain how you have benefited from this change


Ok, well the positive change which I would like to tell you about was actually a pretty simple one, but it's improved my life a great deal, and basically all it was, was getting up an hour earlier every day.

The reason I started doing it was because it got to the point where my whole day was taken up with various stuff, like classes and homework, and I found that I hardly had any free time left. So I kind of realized that the only way to make more time for myself was to get up earlier, and so that's what I decided to do. It wasn't easy at first, especially when it was cold, but thankfully it got a lot easier, and now I find it no effort at all getting out of bed at five in the morning,

Anyway, as for when I first started doing this, well, I guess it must have probably been about two or three years ago, round about the time I was busy preparing for my university entrance exams, and I was getting up at something like five or six every morning to revise. And after my exams finished, I remember thinking to myself, wouldn't it be good to continue getting up early and have all this extra time to do things at the beginning of the day.

So that's pretty much how it all started, and finally, with regard to how I've benefited from this change, well to put it simply, I'd say I've benefited immensely, in more ways than one. For example, it's given me time to do a bit of exercise every day, which I didn't use to have time for. So now I've become a lot fitter. And as well as this, I also now have the time to eat a proper breakfast every day, instead of skipping it, like I used to do, so I've basically become much healthier as a result.

That's more or less everything, I guess, so thanks very much for listening.


it got to the point where... - 到了...的地步

taken up - 被占据

I find it no effort at all - 我现在觉得一点都不费劲


如果被问到an occasion when you changed your plan,怎么回答呢?

This topic reminds me of the time I changed my mind about what I want to do in the future. Here’s what happened.

I’d always wanted to be a teacher when I was little, ‘cause I used to think teachers know everything and it’s the coolest job in the whole wide world. And teachers are highly respected by others.

However, I had a change of mind when I was in high school. At that time, my grandpa was diagnosed with terminal cancer. And he went to all of the hospitals in my hometown, but things didn’t get any better. We were told that there was only 3 months left for him. So in the end, we went to Beijing, and made an appointment with a famed doctor. He treated my grandpa with the most advanced medical technique and drugs that just came on the market. And miraculously, my grandpa lived 5 more years because of this doctor and his excellent team. I am so grateful to the doctor for everything he did for my family.

So from that moment on, I decided that I would be a doctor in the future. It’s a rewarding and fulfilling job. Doctors give people hope, and they comfort patients and their family when they are so desperate.


change your / somebody’s mind = to change a decision or an opinion例如:

Nothing will make me change my mind.

a change of mind = an act of changing what you think about a situation, etc.

diagnose = to say exactly what an illness or the cause of a problem is例如:

The test is used to diagnose a variety of diseases.

The illness was diagnosed as cancer.

He has recently been diagnosed with angina.

He was diagnosed (as) a diabetic when he was 64.

He was diagnosed (a) diabetic.

terminal = (of an illness or a disease) that cannot be cured and will lead to death, often slowly例如:

He has terminal lung cancer.

The illness is usually terminal.

(figurative) She's suffering from terminal (= very great) boredom.

famed = very well known = renowned例如

Las Vegas, famed for its casinos

a famed poet and musician

on the market = available for people to buy例如:

to put your house on the market

The house came on the market last year.

There are hundreds of different brands on the market.

miraculously = like a miracle; completely unexpected and very lucky例如:

They miraculously survived the plane crash.

The barn has been miraculously transformed into a luxury hotel.

rewarding = (of an activity, etc.) worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it is useful or important例如:

a rewarding experience / job

fulfilling = causing somebody to feel satisfied and useful例如:

a fulfilling experience

I'm finding the work much more fulfilling now.

雅思口语Part 2&3新题:重要的改变相关 文章 :

1. 雅思口语Part2&3预测之范文和解题思路:想去地方

2. 盘点雅思英语口语的最新话题

3. 雅思英语口语Part 3易忽视的3个细节

4. 雅思口语Part2怎么开头?

5. 雅思英语口语Part3常见话题关键词和句型

6. 快收藏!雅思口语题库简洁尝鲜版

7. 如何正确备考雅思口语?

8. 雅思口语考官常常说的一些套话,你知道多少?

9. 这些雅思口语的雷区,你千万不要踩!!!

10. 雅思口语考官在乎的15个得分点


停顿了多久呢? 停顿之后有没有给自己打圆场呢?例如说一下“啊,我刚刚说到哪了,不如我重新说吧” 如果还算流畅合理,停顿和重新说都不影响成绩的,关键还是看你说了的部分的内容,用词,逻辑衔接,你表达的技巧,流利程度等。说不完会有一定影响,但是都不是很重要~~~别担心

p1 p3问你问得芦消禅多是因为你说得不够多,你给的内容有限考官没法桥衡给你评价,只好继续问你。跟你说得好不好其实没有关系的~ 举个例子,例如问你,你觉得文科好找工作陪尘还是理科好找工作,你说“理科啊”,但是你又不详细解释,他只好继续问你,为什么呢?你觉得社会上的理科生比较好找工作吗?你身边的理科生多吗,之类。。。









以上就是雅思无忧网为您准备的口语雅思part2笔记技巧65 生死时速!雅思口语part2如何利用黄金60秒全部内容。访问雅思无忧网(https://www.yasi.cn/),了解更多雅思考试新消息,新动态。

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