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雅思口语描述一个很难的技巧 雅思考官教你雅思口语PART1考试技巧

更新:2023年09月13日 18:39 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语描述一个很难的技巧 雅思考官教你雅思口语PART1考试技巧,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语描述一个很难的技巧 雅思考官教你雅思口语PART1考试技巧








纵览各类卡片题,发现一个共同的关键词,即Describe, 如Describe a teacher who has greatly
influenced you(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题),Describe a shop you
often go to(地点题),Describe a family
washing machine为例,我们能想到的内容可能是颜色,Its color is white. 大小,It's one meter high.
别的似乎没什么可讲的了。这个时候就可以增加议论或评价。对于颜色,可以添加的内容是The reason why I chose this color is
that it matches well with my bathroom and besides, white has always been my
favorite color. It's clean. You know. 而对于大小,也可评价一番It is actually the *allest
size at that time. I put it in the corner, and it takes only a little space.


很多考生觉得口语话题难,就是因为没话说,特别是看似较为抽象的话题,如Describe a
success。总觉得success肯定是较为光鲜的事迹,对照自己似乎找不到素材。其实如举肆果把success具体化,看作是successfully did
sth,构思就会容易许多。可以讲成功地网上交友、购物,与网络话题结合,可以讲成功地交到一个知心益友,与朋友话题相结合。又如part 3中的一些抽象问题,如How
has technology changed people's life?
如果单单从较高层面总的去概括科技如何改变生活会觉得语言内容上频频受限,而换个角度,如果把change具体化,举自己的家庭为例,讲起来就顺口多了。 Well,
technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an example, ten years
ago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-conditioning brings us
more comfort.


piece of good
new standard of plastic bags)的制定和执行;亦可转换成工作问题,讲“劳工法”(The Labor Law)。

雅思口语考试小技巧:遇到不会回答问题怎么办 - 百度...

1 无法立刻应答
1. That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe)…
2. I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…but perhaps…
3. Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had.
4. That’s an interesting question…let me see. Well, I suppose that…
5. Yes, that’s a big issue.
2 变抽象为具体
很多同学没话说,特别是抽象话题,如Describe a success.总觉得success肯定是像选美总统一样的事迹,对照自乎亏盯己似乎找不到素材。
其实如果把success具体化,看作是successfully did sth,构思就会容易许多。可以讲成功地网上交友、购物,与网络话题结合,可以讲成功地交到一个知心益友,与朋友话题相结合。
一些抽象问题,如How has technology changed people‘s life? 如果单从较高层面总的去概括科技如何改变生活会觉得语言内容上频频受限,而换个角度,如果把change具体化,举自己的庭为例,讲起来就顺口多了。
Well, technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an example, ten years ago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-conditioning brings us more comfort.
3 扭转乾坤,话题转移
如A piece of good law,这个难倒了众多考生的杀手题触及到我们较为不熟悉的域——法律。
而转身一想,法律其实是无所不在的,建议考生可以将其转移为环境问题,所以可以去讲“限塑令(The new standard of plastic bags)的制定和执行;或者转成工作问题,讲”劳工法“(The Labor Law)。








纵览各类卡片题,发现一个共同的关键词,即Describe, 如Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题),Describe a shop you often go to(地点题),Describe a family event(事件题)。

很多考生会集中精力去思考如何Describe,所以在人物题迟或中会试着用很多语言去描述外貌特征,如大大的眼睛,长长的睫毛,粉粉的脸颊,厚厚的嘴唇。且不论该考生是否都能将这些中文描述对应的恰当英文找到,除非是口语基础相当不错的考生,不然挑这些内容去讲无疑是搬起石头砸自己的脚。人物题还算是比较容易描述的了,那碰到物品题描述一个家用电器怎么办,如何去Describe?以a washing machine为例,我们能想到的内容可能是颜色,Its color is white. 大小,It’s one meter high. 别的似乎没什么可讲的了。这个时候就可以增加议论或评价。

对于颜色,可以添加的内容是The reason why I chose this color is that it matches well with my bathroom and besides, white has always been my favorite color. It’s clean. You know. 而对于大小,也可评价一番It is actually the *allest size at that time. I put it in the corner, and it takes only a little space.



很多考生觉得口语话题难,就是因为没话说,特别是看似较为抽象的话题,如Describe a success。总觉得success肯定是较为光鲜的事迹,对照自己似乎找不到素材。其实如果把success具体化,看作是successfully did sth,构思就会容易许多。可以讲成功地网上交友、购物,与网络话题结合,可以讲成功地交到一个知心益友,与朋友话题相结渣蠢合。

又如part 3中的一些抽象问题,如How has technology changed people’s life? 如果单单从较高层面总的去概括科技如何改变生活会觉得语言内容上频频受限,而换个角度,如果把change具体化,举自己的家庭为例,讲起来就顺口多了。Well, technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an example, ten years ago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-conditioning brings us more comfort.



如A piece of good law,这个难倒了众多考生的杀手题触及到我们较为不熟悉的领域——法律。而转身一想,法律其实是无所不在的,建议考生可以将其转移为环境问题,所以可以去讲“限塑令(The new standard of plastic bags)的制定和执行;亦可转换成工作问题,讲“劳工法”(The Labor Law)。



上海环球青藤为大家带来一份由雅思考官写的雅思口语part1考试技巧,各位考生可以根据雅思口语考官的建议来准备雅思口手陵链语考试。希望对毕孙大家雅思口汪或语备考有所帮助。IELTS is set into three sections.
Part 1 is generally something about you, where you are from, do you like something, what do you think of something etc.
So you can prepare before the test to answer some of these questions. Of course you can't prepare for all things, as the examiner may throw in a few curve balls (tricky). This exchange of questions is going to be about 5 minutes.
When asked a question, for example, “Where is your hometown?” you might answer“Shanghai” This is correct but hardly a worthy answer that will convince the examiner to expect a lot from you.
Give the place and then say something about it as this shows you can engage in a conversation and not just regurgitate (give) facts and names. Maybe say something about the city, location, size, the fact you might not know much about it because you left at a young age.
“I come from China's largest city Shanghai, on the coast; do you know the area of Minhang in Shanghai? That is the part of Shanghai I was born”
A bit more than just one word.
Chances are you will get a follow up question as this is a conversation and in conversations you garner (get) information from those you are talking too.
“Can you describe… to me” or “How has the city changed” or “What do you like/don't like… about…” or “What are the people like” or "Who lives in your neighbourhood" or"Where do you buy groceries"
Answer how you feel. This isn't a test on facts, if you lie all the way through then be prepared as lying or non-truths can come back to haunt you.
“I come from the state of Nanjing in Beijing, next to India” Completely wrong but no one is taking notes on that. You will get a follow up question about it so chances are you will have todig yourself out of that hole (talk your way out of a lie). The truth is often easier to talk about.
There is a good chance you will also be asked about school or work as that is one of the main questions asked to someone you don't know.
If you are in school then maybe something about enjoying school or not enjoying school or maybe something about a topic in school, why do you study that?
If you are working then questions about what your job might be, how long have you been there, do you like it, will you stay long?
Again you don't have to tell the truth, maybe just half truths in case you feel you shouldn't give out too much information.
“I am an International spy here to assassinate you”
If you feel uncomfortable about a question then, just as in a conversation, say so and give the reason in a polite way. Politeness goes a long way. The examiner will understand as they are nice people and will try to reword the question so it isn't so invasive (direct) but they will also be able to tell if you are saying that just to bypass a question you find difficult or just don't like.
Other questions are likely to be about basic everyday things. Something about your family, neighbours, workmates, perhaps the weather or something to do with food or shopping. These are everyday things, or what you might ask someone you just met. Every question will likely have a follow up related to them. They are direct questions about the topic.
So food questions may deal with local dishes or if you like sweet food or who should do the cooking and why?
Something about your family might be the size of the family, what someone in the family does, your role in the family etc.
Be clear and precise, don't go off topic too much and don't repeat, don't repeat what you want to say. Be yourself, take a deep breath before you speak and if you spend a second thinking about it before you start talking, then nod in acknowledgement to the question. A little dead air for a second or two is fine as that is natural in conversations. A second or two, not five or 10 seconds.
Here are some other topics to think about. You can probably answer questions on them in your native tongue so now practice using English only.
Family, Language, your routine, holidays and festivals, travel, sport, Foreigners in China, Entertainment like TV and reading, cultural areas like art and architecture.
There is something called the 5Ws of Who What Where When Why and How. Basic words used to gather information. Maybe 'Have' and 'Will' should be in there too.
Pick a topic and try making questions using the Ws along with how, have and will. This isn't how questions are chosen but it is good way to practice and to help you anticipate the next question.
Like Sun Tzu says, "If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles... if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperilled in every single battle." The questions are the battle not the examiner.

雅思口语part3做题技巧?我这部分总是分数比较低 - ...

一)题目的性质从原来较为生活化的Part 1和Part 2转化为Part3中带有强烈学术意味的考题。比如How does scientific research benefitspace, medical, environmental and information technologies? 该题问科学研究给现代技术带来怎样的好处。

二) 很多考题不再注重具体的细节描述或陈述,而转向考察考生的抽象思维能力。比如Does money bring people more happiness or make them less secure? 该题问钱会给人带来幸福,还是使人更不安全。碰猜拿

三)有相当数量的题目会让考生去对某个话题进行评估(Asses*ent),特别是利弊方面的评估;还有些考题让你对未来进行猜兆局测(Speculation),让你说10年或20年之后某事物将会怎么样。比如In your opinion, what languages will become morepopular in the future? 该题要你猜测将来什么语言会变得流行起来。当然,你还必须说明理由。

总的来说,Part 3已经超越了日常生活层面,进入到人的深层思维体系之中。它着重的是四样东西:world views(世界观),beliefsystems(信仰体系),values(价值观),attitudes(态度)。要把这些东西说好,除了平时的语言功底和随机应变的能力以外,考生还需要具备一些人文方面的素养。
虽然Part 3的问题错综复杂,但根据笔者的教学及实战经验,我们完全可以把所有Part 3的考题分为以下的九个大类,每一大类都含有若干典型的问话套路:

一)阐述原因(Giving reasons)
Why do you think …?
Why is it important to do…
Do you think …? Why (not)?
Is it a good idea to (do…)? Why (not)?
二)预测未来(Providing speculations)
How do you see … changingin the future?
Do you think that in thefuture people will …?
What do you think willhappen to … in the future?
In your opinion,which/what … will become more … in the future?
三)描述侧面(Describing various aspects)
In what ways …?
What kind/sort/type of …?
How important is it for …to (do …)?
How has … changed (in yourcountry) in the last … years?
四)维护立场(Defending your choice)
Is it better to (do …) or(do …)?
笑搭Should people always … oris it a good idea sometimes to (do …)?
Which is more important toyou: … or …?
Which do people in yourcountry prefer: … or …?
五)利用常识(Using your common sense)
Any yes-no question thatinvolves a clearly positive or negative answer
Any question that asks youabout the roles, responsibilities and general qualities of a social group
Any question that asks youabout common knowledge, everyday experience and traditional culture
六)提供方案(Offering solutions)
What can … do to (do …)?
What can be done to (do…)?
What do you think is thebest way for … to (do …)?
Are there other wayspeople can …, apart from …? How?
七)因果关联(Connecting causes with effects)
What effect has … had on…?
How has … affected …?
Are there any negativeeffects of … doing …? What are they?
What do you think causes …to …?
八)对比异同(Comparing similarities and differences)
How does … compare with …?
How do you compare … with…?
Do you think … wasdifferent for your grandparents?
What are similarities anddifferences between … and …?
九)陈述利弊(Illustrating advantages and disadvantages)
What are the advantages anddisadvantages of …?
What are the differentadvantages of … and …?
What do you think theirdisadvantages are?
How do people in yourcountry feel about (a controversial issue)?
从《剑桥雅思》的口语出题风格来看,一般一套口语题的Part3部分会有6道问题,这一点大家可以参阅《剑一》到《剑七》的真题。下面的这套题从place到travel/touri*再到old buildings/historic buildings,提出了一系列问题:
Why do you think peoplelike to travel to different places?
→ 第一类:阐述原因(Giving reasons)
How do you see touri*changing in your country in the future?
→ 第二类:预测未来(Providing speculations)
Why is it important toprotect the countryside?
→ 第一类:阐述原因(Giving reasons)本文
In what ways is thecountryside in danger in your country?
→ 第三类:描述侧面(Describing various aspects)
Why are historic buildingsand monuments important to a city?
→ 第一类:阐述原因(Giving reasons)
Is it better to keep oldbuildings, or build new modern ones?
→ 第四类:维护立场(Defending your choice)
由此可见,任何Part 3的问题都可以归入以上九大类中的某一类。在本系列的后面九讲中,针对每一类问题的特殊性,为大家一一分析破解它们的方法,也希望广大“烤鸭”们能切实利用这些方法来为自己的考场发挥添砖加瓦。
总的来说,雅思口语考试Part 3作为考试中第三部分,也是最困难的一个部分,所以把握好总结的雅思口语考试Part 3答题技巧也就非常重要.

以上就是雅思无忧网为您准备的雅思口语描述一个很难的技巧 雅思考官教你雅思口语PART1考试技巧全部内容。访问雅思无忧网(https://www.yasi.cn/),了解更多雅思考试新消息,新动态。

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