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雅思口语part1回答技巧 拒见光死 雅思口语part1答题技巧实例讲解

更新:2023年09月13日 19:33 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语part1回答技巧 拒见光死 雅思口语part1答题技巧实例讲解,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语part1回答技巧 拒见光死 雅思口语part1答题技巧实例讲解


雅思口语Part 3答题技巧

摘自朗阁海外考试研究中心  徐晓青

雅思口语Part 3是口语考试三个部分中最难也是最令人头疼的一部分。Part 3之所以成为广大考生们望而生畏的一部分,其原因在于这部分的问题远比Part 1的生活类问答要复杂许多,同时对考生的瞬间思维能力及逻辑思维能力要求较高。针对目前许多国外院校对雅思口语单项分数的要求较高的现状,导致了许多烤鸭们都力争在口语单项上要达到7分甚至更高。因此,口语考试Part 3成为了很多雅思考生们不得不跨的坎。在这篇文章中,朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师将为大家阐述如何搞定口语Part 3的一些技巧以及如何避免Part 3跑题。

一、Part 3难点归纳

Part 3, 这个让烤鸭们谈之色变的部分,到底难在哪呢?不同的考生对之有不同的感觉和想法。在这里,可以大致归纳为以下几点:1. 很多学生会出现听不懂题目的情况,出现答非所问的状况。有些考生会让考官重复问题,对考官说“pardon”,但是过多的要求重复问题往往遭到考官的反感和厌烦,所以很多考点出现了考官在要求2次以上pardon的情况下直接跳下一题的情况。这样一方面会影响考官的判分,同时也会影响考生的考试心理状态,继而影响后续的发挥。2. 基于Part 3本身问题的特色——“刁钻”,“变态”,很多考生反应不知道说什么,甚至不理解问题本身的意思,造成了过久的停顿或者沉默。加上Part 3没有思考的时间,而面对来势汹汹的复杂问题,考生一下子难以把答案组织地条理清晰,所以即使努力避免不让自己沉默,也只能无奈之下东拉西扯,想到哪里说到哪里。3. 很多考生无法在有限的时间内,做到答案内容与“高难词”“闪光词”的兼顾。所以即使答案顾及了流利度,而又无法兼顾词汇量的要求。

二、Part 3方法论——题型分析法

针对上述问题,朗阁老师为大家推荐一个有效的方法——题型分析法,去有效的帮助考生们在短时间内改善Part 3的答题表现。口语Part 3基本可以分为9大题型,即contrast(对比题),*yses(分析题),options(选择题), flaws(缺点题), solutions(解决方案题), prospect(未来前景题), opinions(个人观点题), meaning(意义题), conditions(当前状况题)。在这9大题型中,每种题型都有对应的关键字,即考生在听到某些关键字的时候,就可以瞬间把这道题归类进9大类中的某一类题型,而每一种题型都有自己对应的答题思路及答题方法。该方法的运用原理在于让考生迅速辨别Part 3对应的题型,然后对号入座,在有限的时间内作出有效的思考,使答案不会偏离大方向,也避免了考生东拉西扯跑题的尴尬场面。同时,每种题型预先准备好的答题句型,有助于考生在词汇表达上赢得考官的认可。以下将选取5种题型为考生们进行详细的讲解。

1. Contrast(对比题)

这种题型考察的是考生能否对两类不同的人物或者事物作出多角度、全方位的分析。这类考题的经典问法为“what do you think about the differences between A and B ?”所以,大多数情况下,只要抓住“difference”这个关键字,也就几乎可以把这类问题归纳在对比类的题型之内了。对比类题型的答法我们称之为对比经典四部曲:

1). introduction(答案的开肆塌头句)

2). A的特点

3). B的特点

4). example(举一个具体的例子去解释A和B之间的差异)


1). introduction(答案的开头句)

2). A的逗中特点+example

3). B的特点+example

4). reason(具体解释一下产生A和B之间差异的原因)

以“攒钱购物”的Part 3考题“what do you think are the differences between shopping in rural areas and shopping in urban areas?”为例,根据关键字的判断,我们很快就可以把该题归纳为对比类的题目,所以所需要思考的就是“城里购物”的特点和“乡下购物”的特点。根据答题的套路,很快就可以组织山雹山答案:

Shopping in rural areas and shopping in urban areas are quite different. When shopping in the urban areas we can go to the shopping center or department stores, which means plenty of choices and good quality but higher prices. However, if you shopping in the countryside, you may have fewer choices but you also cost less. This may because of the different rent and different environment of these two places.

2. Analyses(分析题)

该题型重点考察考生描述事物的好处和坏处的能力。需要注意的是,分析一件事物的好坏就像老师评价学生一样,通常从好处开始说起,先寻找闪光点,再调侃一下不足之处就可以了。另外,该题型的难点在于要求考生对好处“advantage”和坏处“disadvantage”作出同义替换。例如,好处的同义词为:merit, good point, strong point, strength, positive side, bright side, edge, highlight

而坏处的同义替换词为:demerit, drawback, shortcoming, bad point, weak point, weakness, negative side, dark side


1). Introduction

2). The first advantage, the second advantage

3). The first disadvantage, the second disadvantage

4). Conclusion

以考题“Describe a city you have visited”的Part 3考题“What are the advantages of living in the city for families with children? And are there disadvantages?”为例,这道题很明显的出现了“好”和“坏”,所以我们可以从城市生活的好处开始分析,逐渐转移到“坏处”:

Well, when considering about the issue of living in the cities, I would like to start from the bright side. The first high light spring to my mind is the convenience that the city can bring. For example, city is a perfect place for shopping, where a lot of shopping center and clothes chain stores are there. What’s more, people live in the city can also enjoy a better education. However, the merits apparently don’t overshadow its drawbacks. Speaking off the top of my head, living in the cities may also be troubled by the bad traffic, especially in the rush hours. Another shortcoming also reminds is the noise in cities, which may cause decrease the quality of life. I think these are the two side of the same sword.

3. Options(选择题)

该题型主要考察的是考生能否就给出的选项做出选择并阐释理由。该题型的经典问法为“A or B, which one do you prefer?”所以,当问题中出现“prefer”, “choose”, “like”之类的关键字,我们可以把这类问题归纳为选择题。在回答选择题的时候,考生可以选择单选,即只选A或者只选B; 也可以选择双选,即认为A和B缺一不可。这类题的答题思路如下:

1). make a selection(选A或者选B)

2). The advantage of A, and the disadvantage of B

3). Another advantage of A, and another disadvantage of B

4). Conclusion

来看一道例题,“Please describe an intelligent person you know”的Part 3的一道考题为:Do you think the highly intelligent children should go to normal school or special school? 根据上述答题思路,我们可选择双选的思路:

From my perspective of view, the highly intelligent children should go to normal school, and also get special training from the special school. Studying in normal school can give the child a full range of education. Besides, the highly intelligent children would be confident in normal school. While the special school also has its own edges that it can arouse the potential of the highly intelligent children. Therefore, both of them are indispensable.

4. Solutions(解决方案题)

该题型考察考生能否在特定的情景下给出相应的解决方案的能力。一般经典的问题句型为“Faced to the current situation, can you remember some effective ways to deal with the problem?”解决问题,需要注意的同义替换为“solve”, “cope with”, “handle”之类的,所以当考生听到上述这些敏感词汇的时候,该把这种问题归纳为解决方案题。这种题型的答题思路为:

1). Introduction

2). From the government’s perspective, ……

3). From the individual’s perspective, ……

4). Conclusion

我们以“Describe a beautiful place where you want to have a home”(安家之地)的Part 3题为例,“Can you suggest any ways to restrict the growth of cities?”,根据上述思路,我们可以这样从*和个人两个方面去思考:

Well, based on the current situation, I think there might be some effective method to deal with it. From the government’s perspective, some regulations and rules should be carried out; such as coming up with some politics to attract some rural areas people stay at their original places and educate the public not rush to the cities blindly. As far as the individuals are concerned, we should follow the government’s decision and cooperate with the government. So these are the possible methods to cope with the issue.

5. Meaning(意义题)


我们以“Describe a place you went and learned about another culture”异地文化这题的Part 3问题为例,“How do you think the importance of culture?”,通过举反例“假如对文化一无所知会怎么样?”,来论证文化的重要性。

The possible answer:

Well, culture really plays a significant role in our everyday life. Take me as an example, I am a student who planned to further study abroad. If I know nothing about the foreign culture, I think it will be difficult for me to survive in the foreign environment and I will come across some culture shocks. Therefore, when considering these circumstances, it is necessary to learn about another culture.

本文着重针对如何避免雅思口语Part 3无话可说入手,从Part 3的9种题型中挑选出5种高频题型,逐一分析了答题思路以及应该如何去思考,并结合了每种题型的最新例题进行分析。如何攻克Part 3, 关键在于是否能够迅速对考题进行归类,然后迅速反应出对应的答题思路并进行快速有效地思考。相信这样,考生对于Part 3的回答一定会显的有条不紊,很有逻辑感。相信“题型分析法”一定可以有效地帮助考生们克服在Part 3偏题或者不知所措的困境。除此之外,考生还可以尝试在回答Part 3问题之前,先paraphrase一下考官的问题,反问考官是否问的是这个意思,在确定好题意之后再作答。因为Part 3是一种discussion, 所以反问考官反而体现了考生的交流能力,同时也可以避免考生答题时跑题。





拒见光死 雅思口语part1答题技巧实例讲解

拒见光死 雅思口语part1答题技巧实例讲解!在雅思口语考中,考官在什么地方就给你打定分数了呢?天真的烤鸭会说在part3答完之后,普通的烤鸭大约认为是在part2结束之后。其实啊真相只有一个,大部分的烤鸭,在它完成了雅思口语part1前3个问题之后,考官基本就给你确定分数了。是不是很可怕?一起来看看雅思口语part1答题技巧吧。 雅思口语part1开始部分的回答很重要,一方面,好的开头会给考官留下好的印象,你在考官心中的预期分数是往上走的趋势,另一方面,对自己来说,靠前面较为简单的题目建立信心,才有足够的心气完成后面的part2和part3。请看本位的雅思口语老师从渣渗自身教学实际出发分析的各种考见光死型的问题及3种提升技巧。 雅思口语考中,开始答题的阶段非常重要,直接关系到我们接下来的考状态,答得好可以令接下里来的发挥更加精彩,连连得分,答得不好则影响到整个答题的方向还有心态,当然容易丢分,所以说好口语考“句话”是需要技巧的。你的雅思口语part1回答丢分了么? 在咱们真正口语考的时候,往往你Part1每个问题回答的句话,就已经足以令考官给你口语的分数定个大致的范围了。你的句话让考官觉得是5分上下呢?还是6分上下呢? 雅思口语part1答题误区:不回答问题 貌似不可能的事情,但实际就真实发生在咱们很多同学身上。 如果我用中文问:在你附近有很多游泳的地方吗?那我们正常的回答是:有,没有或者不多。我们会先做出一个直接的回应,再做相应的解释。 但当把同样的问题变成咱们雅思口语Part1的题目时:Are there many places to swim near you? 我们同学的开头回答是这样的:There’s an ocean no far from our dorm. (节选同学的回答)或是Right in my school there is an outdoor swimming pool.(节选同学的回答) 抛开语法正确与否,我们同学开头句话会直接去回答更为详细的内容部分,而不做出任何直接的应题。这在考官听来就是完全的跑题。并且他会觉得你听不懂问题,而导致回答内容上出现很大的问题。 雅思口语part1答题误区二:题意理解错误,导致回答跑题 有一次咱们的每日练习题是:What kinds of apps do you often use? 这种问法是雅思口语P1P3的一类高频问法,什么种类。 但咱们同学90%以上的回答都是I often use Wechat, Youdao, Taobao… 考官心里打满问号,然后说:We use What’s app, google and amazon…… 哎,如棚脊这回答丢分真的好可惜。 请大看清,题目问的是什么种类?而不是你经常用哪个app?什么是种类?sche*ng app 时间安排类, information storage app 信息存储类, social networking app 社交软件类, games app 游戏类, lifestyle app 生活类等,这些都是种类,而不是具体的某一个app。 所以在题目的准确度上,咱们的句回答又一次出现了偏差。 雅思口语part1答题误区三:Yes or No 回答方式 还有一种常见的问题就是直接用Yes or No.去回答题目。这样的回答本身并无错误,但同样也没有太多出彩的地方。往往句回答是我们状态好,大脑负担少的状态,我们应和御该好好的利用这个机会,争取在答题开头部分多些加分项。 比如做到:paraphrasing, use less common words or idioms等,但一句简单的Yes or No, 是无法让考官给你加分的。并且这样的回答会伴随另一个问题的出现就是-重复原题。 当考官问:Would you say your hometown is a good place to live? 我们的回答是:Yes, my hometown is a good place to live. 对于计划6分的同学这样计划守的开头回答是可以的,至少不会出错,但要冲高的同学请看下文。 上述提到的问题,同学们应该自我检查并且避免,那我们应该如何提高呢? 雅思口语part1答题技巧一.学会使用filler 什么是Filler? Filler 可以理解为语气词,本身并无实际含义,但是可以起到口语表达中链接自己语句之间空白部分,或者可以作为开头的引入语,让整体表达听上去更Native,比如Well。 同样的,当考官问到:What kinds of apps do you often use?你的句可以这样回答:Well, apps for social networking are the most prevalent choice I use in my daily life. 确认回答的是“类别”而不是具体的某项app。二用well作为开头回答的个词,会让人感觉回答不那么突兀。让listener也就是考官有一个准备的意识,知道这个同学即将要开始答题了。 所有的语言都有类似这样的语气词,中文常说的是:嗯或额。这些词本身并无实际意义,但在正式回答之前说出来会让人觉得比较自然而不是像机器人siri那样去说话。 口语做到表达自然也是我们的目标之一,因为我们要避免机械化的发音,这也是我们评分标准当中的抛分项之一。 雅思口语part1答题技巧二、高端应题词汇的使用 对于Would you say your hometown is a good place to live?这样的问题,在不使用Yes or No的回答方式下,我们可以尝使用更为强烈的表达方式,如:Definitely, Absolutely, You bet. 这些都是表示Yes的更为高端的说法。 其实并不难,只是换了一个词而已,但这样的表达方式无论是在Jerry美的日常生活中,还是在我与美其他的外教IELTS Teachers 沟通的时候,我们都会建议考生能够用上类似的词汇以满足雅思口语的评分标准以便达到更高的分数。 有没有感觉原来雅思口语还可以这么简单,但怎么自己就没有想到?没关系有Jerry在,我会一项一项告诉你。 雅思口语part1答题技巧三、 确计划回答中有重点 在Jerry点评的同学中,90%以上都是语音语调非常的平淡,感觉大的生活毫无波澜,一种浑浑噩噩的感觉。这样不仅考官听着心情不悦,而且也满足不了雅思的评分要求。因为在评分标准中有强调要有语音语调。 比如:I’m not a big fan of water, so I don’t wanna have a boat. 我们可以强调的是I’m not a big fan of water, so I don’t wanna have a boat. 正如我之前所说,开头句话我们可以融入的加分项还是很多的,因为我们的大脑有相对多的准备时间。虽然能否长时间维持住这种状态,需要靠大量的练习来提高,但如果只是让开头句说的富有感情应该还是很容易做到的。 以上就是小编为大带来的《拒见光死 雅思口语part1答题技巧实例讲解》的全部内容。要想拳打雅思口语part1,脚踢雅思口语part23,请持续关注上海环球青藤。


上海环球青藤为大家带来一份由雅思考官写的雅思口语part1考试技巧,各位考生可以根据雅思口语考官的建议来准备雅思口手陵链语考试。希望对毕孙大家雅思口汪或语备考有所帮助。IELTS is set into three sections.
Part 1 is generally something about you, where you are from, do you like something, what do you think of something etc.
So you can prepare before the test to answer some of these questions. Of course you can't prepare for all things, as the examiner may throw in a few curve balls (tricky). This exchange of questions is going to be about 5 minutes.
When asked a question, for example, “Where is your hometown?” you might answer“Shanghai” This is correct but hardly a worthy answer that will convince the examiner to expect a lot from you.
Give the place and then say something about it as this shows you can engage in a conversation and not just regurgitate (give) facts and names. Maybe say something about the city, location, size, the fact you might not know much about it because you left at a young age.
“I come from China's largest city Shanghai, on the coast; do you know the area of Minhang in Shanghai? That is the part of Shanghai I was born”
A bit more than just one word.
Chances are you will get a follow up question as this is a conversation and in conversations you garner (get) information from those you are talking too.
“Can you describe… to me” or “How has the city changed” or “What do you like/don't like… about…” or “What are the people like” or "Who lives in your neighbourhood" or"Where do you buy groceries"
Answer how you feel. This isn't a test on facts, if you lie all the way through then be prepared as lying or non-truths can come back to haunt you.
“I come from the state of Nanjing in Beijing, next to India” Completely wrong but no one is taking notes on that. You will get a follow up question about it so chances are you will have todig yourself out of that hole (talk your way out of a lie). The truth is often easier to talk about.
There is a good chance you will also be asked about school or work as that is one of the main questions asked to someone you don't know.
If you are in school then maybe something about enjoying school or not enjoying school or maybe something about a topic in school, why do you study that?
If you are working then questions about what your job might be, how long have you been there, do you like it, will you stay long?
Again you don't have to tell the truth, maybe just half truths in case you feel you shouldn't give out too much information.
“I am an International spy here to assassinate you”
If you feel uncomfortable about a question then, just as in a conversation, say so and give the reason in a polite way. Politeness goes a long way. The examiner will understand as they are nice people and will try to reword the question so it isn't so invasive (direct) but they will also be able to tell if you are saying that just to bypass a question you find difficult or just don't like.
Other questions are likely to be about basic everyday things. Something about your family, neighbours, workmates, perhaps the weather or something to do with food or shopping. These are everyday things, or what you might ask someone you just met. Every question will likely have a follow up related to them. They are direct questions about the topic.
So food questions may deal with local dishes or if you like sweet food or who should do the cooking and why?
Something about your family might be the size of the family, what someone in the family does, your role in the family etc.
Be clear and precise, don't go off topic too much and don't repeat, don't repeat what you want to say. Be yourself, take a deep breath before you speak and if you spend a second thinking about it before you start talking, then nod in acknowledgement to the question. A little dead air for a second or two is fine as that is natural in conversations. A second or two, not five or 10 seconds.
Here are some other topics to think about. You can probably answer questions on them in your native tongue so now practice using English only.
Family, Language, your routine, holidays and festivals, travel, sport, Foreigners in China, Entertainment like TV and reading, cultural areas like art and architecture.
There is something called the 5Ws of Who What Where When Why and How. Basic words used to gather information. Maybe 'Have' and 'Will' should be in there too.
Pick a topic and try making questions using the Ws along with how, have and will. This isn't how questions are chosen but it is good way to practice and to help you anticipate the next question.
Like Sun Tzu says, "If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles... if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperilled in every single battle." The questions are the battle not the examiner.

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