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雅思真题10口语test3part2 考雅思需要准备的必备全套材料是什么?

更新:2023年09月20日 03:21 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思真题10口语test3part2 考雅思需要准备的必备全套材料是什么?,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思真题10口语test3part2 考雅思需要准备的必备全套材料是什么?



雅思考试, 全称为国际英语测试系统(International English Language Testing System)简称(IELTS),是著名的国际性英语标准化水平测试之一。雅思考试于1989年设立,由英国文化教育协会、剑桥大学考试委员会和澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP)共同管理。

雅思考试坚持 “沟通为本”的理念,在全球首创从听、说、读、写四方面进行英语能力全面考核的国际考试,能够立体综合地精准测评考生的英语语言运用能力。


参考资料来源: 百度百科-雅思

雅思复习计划(两个月内)不要复制粘贴,非常紧急 - 百...

全面雅思备考资料的话,需要滴话,留Q邮,发给你邮箱。N多备考资料(包括真题题库,预测,素材与机经)!攒人品!祝考试大爆发 !(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……,记得采纳偶为满意答案就成!
第一阶段 关于词汇的积累,肯定是有必要的,但是跟国内等级考试不一样。要必须分项,有针对性,此阶段主要积累 听力 和阅读词汇。
(2)听力 利用 《王路听力语料库》/《listen to this》 初级 积累简拿听力基础词汇
①,范听 (但也要认真撒)也就是正常 按照 雅思 听力的考试,一遍过,做题。给自己真切的打击。,②,对答案。并去分析自己存在错误的原因与感受场景规律。③,做详细的笔记,主要是记录 其中地道的语言句式用词搭配(促进口语写作素材积累)!不推荐听写,耗时耗力而成效微,只是写出来?要的是积累变成自己的表达!④,对解析笔记后,加以熟悉诵读后。 当天再去精听一遍。去激活当日的积累,提升听觉语感。
2,再有时间的话,可以参照上面真题的精听积累方法精听BBC/VOA((网络下载,非书籍,无需购*))。有助于听说读写 综合提升!
确实,口语换题月 为 1 5 9 月,5月刚换的题,一直到8月底,都相同的题库范围。但是其实没有必要准备50个题目,针对这50个题目,可以进行话题合并的,基本准备10篇核心素材就足够了。part3的题目,对于具体题目的准备是不切实际的,毕竟不像part2那么范围。而是应该懂得出题类别,每个类别在考前准备好表达的框架,即使遇见新题,也可以在合理框架下回答出来~
地道素材,和雅思各项备考资料,也可以留Q邮箱!记得采纳为满意答案就成撒~! 考前攒人品~考试大爆发!哈哈!其他雅思各项全面备考资料也都一并发你邮箱,或者百度“Aaron在路上”进去偶新浪博客直接下载也成!~





PART 1 除了固定问题(固定问题请看十天口语),在7月可闭裤能还出现的题目:
Do you prefer to study alone or to study with other students?(p54)/ Do you prefer team work or working alone? (Team work is efficient and can really be more effective. But when I work alone it seems like I am more focused on the work. So I guess it really depends on what kind of work it is and what kind of people I work with :D)
☆ Do you prefer to type things or to write things on paper? (Well, most of the time I just type things, that’s for sure. Coz it’s much faster and I can save what I type and edit it later on. And most importantly, I can just cut and paste everything…)
Do you live in a house or an apartment/flat? Which room do you like best?(p67) Is there anything hanging on the wall? (p67)
☆ What’s your favorite time of a day? ( Well, I feel great in the morning coz after a good night’s sleep I feel refreshed and invigorated and definitely do things better.)
☆Do you like fruit / vegetables? ( Sure, I just can’t get enough of them. They taste great and they’re wholesome and nutritious. But stuff like oranges and peaches tend to be reeeeeeeeeally pricey now.)
☆What kinds of tools or instruments you use at school? (things like PCs, test tubes, projectors and digital recorders…)
☆ Do you often go out with your friends? (p69,71&77)
☆Do you think holidays are important to our lives? ( You bet! Holidays are when we can get away from our daily grind and have some “time out”, you know, when we can check out fun spots, hang out with friends and play sports without having to worry about getting our work done. Holidays are just so cool…)
☆ Do you prefer to have meals at home or eat out? (p73 restaurants)
☆ Who does the cooking in your family?
☆ Do you think all family members should learn how to cook? (I guess so. Otherwise when parents are away the kids can only rely on junk food like burgers or French fries. Cooking abilities give them more self-sufficiency…)
☆Do you often have visitors to your home? (Yup. Coz you know I’m a sociable person and really enjoy hanging out with people. Friends of mine tend to stop by my place on weekends and we just chat, kick back and relax… or sometimes we cook a light meal together and it’s so fun…)
☆ Are there any sports facilities on your campus? (There are tons of them. Like stadiums, gyms, soccer fields, tennis courts and swimming pools.)
What kinds of facilities are there in your community? (We’ve got a wide variety of facilities, like parking lots ,you know, places where you park your car, gyms, clinics, gardens, kids’ playgrounds, convenience stores…)
What do you do on the Internet?(p60)
☆ What’re your favorite kinds of music?/Do you think children should learn how to play musical instruments? Why do we play music on festivals (p63-p64 & p75)
Which country do you plan to go to? (p175-p176)
☆ Do you like shopping? Do you prefer big stores or *all ones?(p70,p104&p226)
What’re your favorite kinds of food? (p72-p73)
Do you like traveling?(p72)
☆ Are there many bikes in your hometown?(p69)
Do you like biking?(ditto“同上”)
☆Do you have a driver’s license? ( Yup, I got one quite a whole ago coz these days a driver’s license is really essential for getting a job. / Nope, coz the traffic in my city is so heavy and messy. I’m afraid of driving.)
☆ Do you think biking is safe? ( Basically, it is because most Chinese are pretty skilled bikers, you know. But… these days there’re more cars in cities so yes sometimes biking can be risky, especially at night...)
☆ Do you often go to museums? (见Day 2的topics里面buildings那个部分)
☆What’re your favorite sports? / What do you do to improve your fitness? ( p68-p69)
What kinds of gifts do you give your friends?(p75)
☆How do you get news? (p60下方-p61)
Who do you send emails to? (ditto)
☆ What're your favorite kinds of fruit and vegetables? ( maybe...stuff like oranges and tomatoes, coz they're juicy and nutritious and ...they look good, ... mouthwatering!)
Do you prefer emails or letters? (ditto)
Do you like visiting art galleries? (p222)
Do you like parties / partying? (p76)
☆ Do you like advertisements? ( Day 7: favorite ad)
Do you think gardens and parks are important to a city? / Do Chinese have your own gardens? / Do you prefer to have flowers or vegetables in gardens? (p74)
Where and how did you celebrate your last birthday? (p75-p76)
☆ How should children improve their handwriting? (p60 They can imitate nice examples of handwriting before developing their own style. And of course they should practice more and try not to type everything...)

PART 2 7月可能出现的题目
Describe a place that has been polluted./ an environmental problem (p145)
Describe your favorite season.(p6)
Describe your favorite animal.(p148-p150)
Describe a tourist spot.(natural or man-made scenic spots) ( p141-p147)

Describe a library.(p114)
Describe a historical place in your hometown.(p107-p109)
Describe a long journey.(p111-p114)
(第三部分可能问到:What are the differences between traveling alone and traveling with others?)
Describe a good way to improve your health.(p177)
What should schools do to help children improve their health? P.E. class, gyms, less homework, more leisure time…
Do you think ads play important roles in improving public health? Not really coz there’s soooooooo much fast-food advertising in the media these days…)
☆Describe a place that has a lot of water. ( Day 4 swimming pool / Day 6 lake )
☆Describe a picnic or a meal in a park. (综合Day 6 park 和 中场休息3 a special meal)
☆Describe a trip that was not as good as you planned. (p145 的 a place that has been polluted.说这个很合适)
Describe a store you like.(p226)
☆ Describe a concert hall. ( p227)
Describe a flat / house / home.(p220 & p106)
Describe your favorite place in your city.(p102-p104)
Describe a museum or an art gallery.(p222)

☆Describe an old man. (Day 5的“双语感悟”老人与小孩)
Describe an organization.(p90 & p121-p125)
☆Describe a workplace. ( 最简单的是说在某个organization 的part-time job或者您在上面一类话题已经准备好的某个store)
Describe a friend.(p90 & p133-p137) (第三部分可能问到:Who are more important to you, family members or friends?)
☆Describe a job you wish to do in. (p133)
Describe a family member who you spend the most time with.(p90 & p133)
(第三部分可能问到:Who plays more important roles in raising children, the father or the mother? How many generations live together in a typical family in China?)
Describe a good teacher.(p90&p133)
Describe a famous person.( p90 & p125-p133)
☆Describe a person you admire (ditto)
Describe a person you helped before.(p90&p135)

☆ Describe your favorite leisure activity. ( p177 )
☆ Describe something you do to improve your health.(ditto)
☆Describe an ad that helped you buy something.(p170)
Describe your favorite song/piece of music.(p169)
(第三部分可能问到:Why do stores play background music?)
☆ Describe your favorite movie. (p167-p169)
Describe a song you heard when you were a child.(有个很逗的网站是专门讲这个 /?t=es&p=1744&c=11 )
Describe a piece of interesting news.(p162)
(第三部分可能问到:Are writing skills important to journalists? How do the journalists influence the public views?)
Describe an interesting TV program.(p165)
(第三部分可能问到:Do you think TV programs play educational roles?)
☆Describe a habit. (watching that TV program)
Describe a game you played when you were a child ( but not a sport).(p164)
☆ Describe an activity in your childhood.(ditto)
(第三部分可能问到:What are the differences between the games now and the games in the past?)
Describe a creative activity you did when you were a child.(p164下方)
☆Describe an interesting story.(p172)
Describe a book.(p129 & p175)
Describe a performance.(p205)
☆Describe a party you prepared for others. (Day 9 wedding后面的附加话题)
Describe a photo.(p191)

Describe a change.(p211)
☆Describe a piece of good news you heard on the phone.(p207 / p203)
Describe something you did when you studied a foreign language.(p203第2个题)
(第三部分可能问到:What are the advantages of learning a foreign language? p217
What are the difficulties you met in learning a foreign language? ditto)
Describe a success. (p177话题10,p205上方第一题)
Describe an interesting speech.(p203)
(这题最大的误区就是以为单词speech非要是Obama那一级的人做的演讲。如果Obama的演讲大家都背那就是等着拿低分。为什么不说个轻松的speech呢?比如一次课堂演讲。第三部分可能问到:Why is public speaking difficult for children? Why are people nervous when they give a public speech?)
Describe an important letter you wrote to another person. (这个可以共享上文或者下文的任何一个事件的描述)
Describe a skill you wish to learn.(p177-p178)
Describe an important stage in life. (p218)
☆ Describe some advice your received before.(有很多可能性,不过最容易准备的应该是决定出国的过程中你的父母和朋友给你的建议,参考“中场休息3”十大弱智话题的第3题)
☆ Describe a conversation. (同上)
Describe a letter you received.(p203-p209)
Describe a sports event.(p202)
☆Describe a great achievement your country has made. (同上)
☆Describe a course you hope to take if you have time.(p175)
Describe a lecture.(p175&205)

☆ Describe a piece of furniture. (第三次中场休息中的“十大弱智话题”第八个)
☆ Describe a toy.(p193-p194)
☆Describe your favorite clothes for special occasions.(p195)
(第三部分可能问到:Why do employees wear uniforms in some companies? )
Describe something that you want to buy in the future.(p185-p190)
Describe something that helps you learn English.(这个有很多人会说MP3,但是如果你说iPhone可以帮你学英语就肯定没有人跟你一样,Day 8)
Describe a gift you gave another person.(p188-p190)
Describe a painting. ( Day 7 倒数第二页的“双语感悟”)/
Describe a sculpture. (p223)

Describe a traffic jam.(p217第1题)
What do you think of children driving? Well, it would be reaaaaaaaally risky for average kids to drive alone. Maybe it's fun if their parents are with them.But anyway, the risk is soooooo real...What are the causes of traffic jams?
Will traffic jams be even more important in the future?)
Describe a good law.(p219)
Describe a person who’s good at cooking.(p228)
(第三部分可能问到:Do you think it’s important for kids to learn cooking skills? Yup. They will be more independent if they do. And it would definitely be more economical than going to restaurants if they could cook meals for themselves... Do you like home-cooked food? )
Describe an educational visit.(p223)
Describe an important decision that you made.(p218)
(第三部分可能问到:Why do people have goals?)





Part1 租房



1. parking

2. North gate

3. balcony

4. gym

5. 30th September/9.30

6. 1375

7. Thursday

8. cafe

9. bridge

10. Treloar

Part2 working holiday scheme


Part3 learning from business mistake


Part4 新式图书馆设施的研究


31. music

32. photographs

33. exhibition

34. oral

35. course

36. public

37. labour

38. insurance

39. identification

40. newspapers





4. 一般来说,最理想的“精听”次数为4次,也就是说第一遍做完题后,把每个SECTION再听四遍,每一遍听都会理解更多的内容,听出更多的单词,但四遍精听后,仍会有零星单词不能理解,这时候再来看听力原文,找出五遍听后仍没理解的单词,对于这些单词,大脑的印象会非常深刻,下次再听到时,听不出的机率将大大降低。

最后用一个公式来总结这个方法,即20 TEST × 4 SECTION × (1 +4) TIMES = 400 TIMES。如果学生能够坚持把这400遍听力在半个月至一个月的时间内完成,一定会看到自身“听质”的显著改善。



把握每个听力section前后30秒左右的读题时间不求记住每个题目意思但求有印象带着题目有针对性地听listen for 而不是 listen to。先看section 4 从后面往前看。利用一切interval time来预览题目包括每个section结束后的checking time不要去check前面听过的题目而应该preview下面的题目。

第二, 提高英语语速

雅思听力的平均语速是每分钟220∽300字左右。提高自己讲英语时的语速 学习一口气说一句话甚至两句三句话 研究native speaker讲英语时的节奏和韵律。另外注意停顿的位置。可以在实在听不懂的情况下或练习听力的最后阶段拿剑桥雅思真题集听力文字来当作口语朗读材料疯狂地操练。要想提高听力必须先张开嘴巴听说不分家。

第三, 积累词汇量

重点记忆雅思常考听力场景词汇(听力核心词汇加起来大概1000多个) 经常看听力机经。雅思听力75%来自机经题库。听力机经的作用——用来熟悉听力场景巩固听力高频词汇对于应对填空题特别有效。听力机经不必死记硬背只需要对其中出现过的词汇混个眼熟就行了。

第四, 重点掌握语法





听力考试时最大的敌人莫过于注意力无法集中俗称“走神”。练听力时切忌一心二用即不要一边放听力一边做别的事情。切忌睡觉前练听力否则英语就会成为催眠曲一听到就想睡觉一听到就会不自觉地走神。每天安排精神比较好的时间段练习听力为宜而且每次练习的时间不能过长。想办法让自己在考听力的时候高度集中注意力例如blink眨眼sit up坐直等千万不要让眼睛stare at sth就好了。另外考前的那个晚上一定要休息好保证第二天考试的精神状态很重要。






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