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雅思满分口语案例真题及答案 雅思口语8分答案是怎样的?为啥这么高分数

更新:2023年09月20日 13:48 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思满分口语案例真题及答案 雅思口语8分答案是怎样的?为啥这么高分数,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思满分口语案例真题及答案 雅思口语8分答案是怎样的?为啥这么高分数

雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示。

今天,环球青藤朱滚睁国伟老师和大家分享一篇关于雅思口语Part 3的答题技大毕岁巧演示文章,值得大家阅读学习。更多精彩好文章,尽在环球青藤!雅思口语Part 3问题1:What are some reasons why people eat out ?雅思口语数唤Part 3的答题技巧演示1:It’s a tradition that we intend to treat our friends and family on some special occasions , especially on birthday , and some important days . a fancy restaurant can provide us decent dining environment , delicious cuisines and thoughtful service . by the way , these days , office workers are getting busier , they have no time to prepare home cooked food , eating outside is the only remaining option .雅思口语Part 3问题2:Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or eat at home ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示2:I prefer to eat at home . my mother is good at cooking , she usually prepares a table of delicious dishes at home . by the way , my country has a notorious reputation of food security . so eating at home is much safer.雅思口语Part 3问题3 What are the differences between eating at home and eating at restaurants ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示3: Eating at restaurants , you may enjoying a decent dining environment , cuisines with different taste and flavor , and thoughtful service . compared to eating at restaurant , dishes prepared at home are simple but balanced and nutritious .雅思口语Part 3问题4In my opinion what is healthy food ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示4: A healthy meal should be balanced and nutritious . in each meal , we need to intake various vegetables , different kinds of fruits and many types of proteins . by such way , we may maintain a good physical health .雅思口语Part 3问题5What are some examples of unhealthy food ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示5:In my opinion , there are many types of unhealthy food , like western style fast food , desserts with high calories , and food sold at street vendors . food like French fries , hamburgers are very harmful to our health .以上即是本次环球青藤口语老师朱国伟的关于雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示文章分享。逻辑能力强,精通口语词汇。对于欧美的文化很了解。多年的教学经验帮助了不少雅思考生顺利进入理想学府,桃李满园。相信他的这篇文章必定能给与烤鸭们不少帮助和启发。如果对于我们雅思课程想了解更多的话,欢迎与环球青藤课程顾问做进一步的咨询与了解,这里有不同的单项课程以及全项课程,适合不同要求的你!后,环球托福预祝各位雅思考试取得!早日圆满出国留学梦!


终于搞定了,好长…… 现回答的,雅思的话注意口语要偏英式一点,大渣搏部拿悉分消梁乎都是考官都是英国或学英式英语的。

Do you like parties?
- Yes, I like parties, it is a good place to meet and have fun with firends.
Whose party do you like, friends’or parents’?
- Firends', I have to say, because we have more in common.
What is the difference between formal and informal party?
- As I understand, there will be more hidden rules such as dressing, manners and the like in formal party, but less in informal one.
What do you wear to a party?
- It depends on the type and theme of the party. You need to be properly dressed in different kinds of parties.
Do Chinese people often hold parties?
- In my opinion, much less than Europeans. Usually Chinese people will prefer to have dinners or just a get-together with firends or families.
On what occasions do Chinese people have parties?
- Anniversaries, festivals, national holidays, and the like.

What do people grow in park?
- trees, grass, flowers and the like
What are the advantages and disadvantages of parks?
- For advantages, it is a good place,especially people in downtown to get close to nature, and relax. Disadvantages, to be honest, I can't think of any.
What do people do in the park?
- walking, resting, jogging, enjoying the sunshine and the nature...

Do you like taking photos?
- Yes, very much.
On what kind of situations do you take photos?
- When I'm travelling or with friends or families. It is a way to record the happy times.
Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?
- Yes. It is very interesting to take photos of kids, because they are not as aware of the camera as *s. Usually you can take some really unexpected, funny or interesting picture, and this is really a happy expeirence for me.

Do you like drawing?
- Not really
What are the benefits of drawing?
- I think it may help in two aspects: sense of color, and to be observant.
What are the benefits of drawing for *s?
- To be observant to details.

Do you think the art is important to life?
- Yes, I do.
Can you give an example of arts you learn?
- Chinese paiting, with Chinese writing brush.
What kind of art do you like?
- I like all kinds of art.
What kind of art experience did you have when you were young?
- like I said, Chinese paiting.
What kind of art are you good at?
- Not really good at any of them.

When did you begin to read newspaper?
- When I was in high school.
What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers?
- It may have different focus, some on politics, some on business,some on international affairs, and some others may on local information.

What music do you like?Why?
- I like popular music, because I'm more reponsive to this kind of music, and it helps me to relax.
What musical instrument do you like?
- Guitar
Are there any friends around you playing some instruments,like piano or guitar?
- Yes, some of my friends are really good at guitar.
Have you ever listened to someone playing a musical instrument?
- Yes, I'm at least a good listner for my friend.
What musical instrument do you enjoy most and why?
- Guitar as I mentioned. I love the sound made by your finger and the metal strings.
Can you play any musical instrument?
- A little bit guitar.
Do you often go to the concert?
- Not really.

Do you like shopping?
-Yes, I do.
Who does the shopping in your family?
- Mostly my mother.
What don’t you like when you go shopping?
- I don't like when there is too many people around. It will be hard for your to pick the stuff you like, or consulting with the shop assistant.
What do you often buy when you go shopping?
- Clothes I guess.
Where do you like to go shopping?
- Big shopping mall.
What style of shopping do you like?
- I'm becoming a fan of online shopping, it will be much easier for you to find what you want.

Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?
- In the cinema.
Why do you like to watch films?
- It is a good way to relax and feel the theme which may presenting people with quite different kinds of life.
What kind of films do you like?
- Action movie, like Bond series.
How often do you go to the cinema?
- Once or twice a month
What’s the difference between American films and Chinese films?
- You will see more modern elements in American films and more ancient elements in Chinese films.

What Where Who
Do you like to watch TV or listen to the radio?
- I like watching TV, because it helps to visualize things.
When do you watch TV?
- Evening.
What’s your favorite program?
- Currently a soap opera called "24"
What TV program did you watch ten years ago?
- Mostly cartoons.

What kind of weather do you like?
- I like snowy day, it is beautiful when the city turns white.


What do you think of clothes? What clothes do you like?
What clothes do you wear when you are working/in school?
what is the different between the older and younger people on clothes?
what are the differences between cloths worn in the past and at present?
What are advantages/disadvantages of wearing uniform? Describe the clothes you wear on special occasions?
15.Reading / Magazine / Newspapers Did you read a lot in your childhood? What kind of books do you love reading? Why do you think people now read less? How do you get your news? What kind of news do you like?
Describe a book you read in your childhood
Describe your favorite newspaper or magazine
You should say
What is it?
What does it contain?
How often do you read it?
And explain why it is your favorite newspaper or magazine.
16.Emails (and Letters)
Do you like writing to people?
How often do you write an email or a letter?
Who do you write to?
Do you often write letters?
Who do you write to? (by letter)
Which do you prefer, to write a letter or write an email? (Why? Compare them.)
17. Describe your future plan/what should you do in the future.
You should say:
What do you plan to learn in the future?
Why do you want to learn it?
Where and how will you learn it?
18. Do you like music?
Do you think music is important?
What kind of music do you enjoy most? How long do you listen to music everyday? Have you learned to play any musical instrument? Can you play any musical instrument? And what’s it?
What does friendship mean to you?
Do you have a lot of friends?
Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends?
What do you usually do with your friends?
20. Driving
Do you often drive?
Is it necessary to learn driving?
Is it important to drive well?
When would you allow your children to drive?
Describe a skill- driving.
21.Holiday Do you like holidays? What did you do last holiday? Which country would you like to go to?
22. What do you do in your leisure time?
What relaxation do people around you like?
What kind of activities do people of your country do for relaxation?
Why do people need leisure? Describe a leisure activity
23. An intelligent/*art person/man who? When did u meet? where? why do you think he/she is intelligent?
24.Food What kinds of food are popular in your country? What is your favorite food ? What’s your favorite food when you were a child? Can you cook? Do you like cooking? Who cooks in your family? Have there been any changes to Chinese food these years? Would you like to try a new food that you have never tried before? 新增:Describe a person who is good at cooking/Describe a cooking skill

25.Bicycle Do you ever ride a bicycle? What do you use a bicycle for? Would you say it's difficult to learn to ride a bicycle? Why do children enjoy riding bicycles? Are bicycles popular in China or in your hometown?
Has the number of bicycle riders in China changed much in the past few years?
How old were you when you first learned to ride a bicycle?
What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of bicycles compared to cars?
Would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages?

Part 2-3
1. Describe a science class you have attended/Describe your favorite (science) subject/Describe a school that you went to
Where it is or was
When you study or studied there
What you remember about it (briefly)
And explain why you remember it more than other schools.
2. Keep fit/ Health(Part 1-3)
Describe a good thing that can improve your heath.
what it is, when did you have it. whether you like it,and explain what do you think this thing is.
children should improve their health?
-what do you think should help children to improve their health.
-How people improve their health in their life?
--Do you think advertisement should play role in improving public health?
3.Describe a wild animal/your favorite animal
What the animal is
How you know about it
What special features it has
And explain why you like such an animal so much.
4. Describe a public event you have attended
what the event was ,when you went there ,whom you went there with
and explain why you enjo this event.
5.Describe your favourite way to relax
What it is and where you like to relax
When is the best time for you to relax
How you like to relax (i.e. activity)
And explain why you like this type of relaxation so much.
6.Describe a foreign celebrity/famous person that you would like to meet
who this person is
how you first learned about him or her
how/why this person is famous
and explain what you would say to this person.
7.Describe a person who influenced you
When and how did you get to knoe him/her?
What is his/her appearance and personality ?
And explain what effect he/she had on you.
8. Describe your favorite park/garden.
Where it is
What can be seen there
How often you go there
And explain why you like it.
9.Describe a historical place
where it was ,what you saw at this site (or, what it looked like), what role it played in history,how you first learned about this place and explain what interested you about that place.

10.Describe a recent event that made you feel happy/Describe a public event.
You should say:
what the event was
when and where it happened
who participated in this event
what you saw or did
and explain why this event was so enjoyable.
Or explain why you remember this event so well.
11.Weather ,Climate ,season
Describe your favorite season or time of the year.
You should say:
what season it is
what the weather is like at this time
what people usually do at this time (or, what you usually do)
and explain what is special about that season.
part2:最喜欢的season or time in a year(when?why like?do what?)
你怎么知道天气变得cold or hot?
冷的地方与热的地方 都有什么好处和坏处?

12.Describe An Interesting Lecture or Speech
Describe an interesting lecture or speech that you heard.
You should say:
when you heard it
where you heard it
what the lecture or speech was about
and explain what influence or effect this lecture or speech had on you.
13.Describe a course you want to learn if you had time.(新增)
Why do you want to learn the course? How will helpful will the course?
15. Describe a practical skill you have learned recently.
Or Describe a skill or language you would like to learn.
You should say:
What the skill or language would be
Where you would like the lessons
What style you would like the teacher to have
And explain why such a skill would be so important in your life.
Why do you want to learn the course? How will helpful will the course?
16. Clothing What kind of clothes do you like? What’s the difference between the opinions of men and women on clothes? Do you like buying clothes? Do you often wear formal or informal clothes? Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?

17. Describe a toy that you enjoyed playing with in your childhood.
You should say:
what it looked like
how you got this toy
what you did with this toy
and explain why you enjoyed playing with this toy.
18. Describe your future plan/what should you do in the future.
You should say:
What do you plan to learn in the future?
Why do you want to learn it?
Where and how will you learn it?
19. FestivalWhat are some important festivals in your country?
How do people celebrate them? What role does the media play in festivals, do you think? How may globalization affect different festivals around the world? Describe a traditional Chinese festival.
20. A Traffic Jam Describe a time when you were caught in a traffic jam. -`when it happened
where it happened, how you passed the time while waiting
and explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam. When do traffic jams usually happen? What are the causes of traffic jams?
Compare traveling by car and traveling by bus.
Do you think the problem of traffic congestion will be eased in the future or will it become worse? What would you suggest as possible solutions to the problem of congested traffic?
21.Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.
You should say:
What kind of advertisement it was
When and where you saw (or heard) this advertisement
What product you bought
Explain how this advertisement persuaded you to buy that product
22.Describe a famous person that you admire.
You should say:
Who the person is and where he/she lives
What the person does
The things you admire about this person
And explain what you think people can learn from this person.


1、The high level answers are a more natural style.
这点指,高分答案往往用一种更口语化,更像Native Speaker的表达。
2、The high level answers use more linking phrases.
3、The high level answers are more detailed when describing or explaining something, (using reasons / examples / comparisons).
Question 1: Do you like your university?
6分表达: Yes. My teachers are very good and I have lots of friends there.
8分表达: Yes I do. I think my university`s great, because I mean, firstly, the teachers there are all really good, you know, I`ve learnt a huge amount from them. And another thing I really like about my university is the friends I`ve made there.
点评:类似于I mean, you know 这类是比较native的口头表达,并不难学。但是烤鸭们要切记,一定不能用过量。简简单单的去剖析细节,分数就比笼统的一肆袭句话来的漂亮。
Question 2: How often do you watch TV?
6分表达: Not often, because I prefer using the Internet.
点评:后面加来一句I prefer,并没有单单说一个Not often。不足的是,对于Part 1而言,这类问题的回答仍是太过简短。建议3-4句话为佳。
8分表达: Not that often actually. I mean, I probably only watch it about two or three times a week, basically because I prefer watching stuff on the Internet.
点评:actually,这一个词的使用是较为地道的表达。相信大家日常跟local聊天的时候,可以发现,他们时时刻刻都喜欢把xxxx actually挂在嘴边,我们也可以学起来。另外,two or three times a week是一个细游友节,补充说明之前的not often究竟是一周几次。Prefer watching stuff on the Internet又是一个细节,说明自己不常看电视的原因。
Question 3:Do you prefer eating at home or eating in a restaurant?
6分表达: I prefer eating at home because it`s healthier than eating out.
点评:很好,给出了原因。但是小编建议,可以再往深处挖一点点,再加一点口语化的词汇,例如Simply Because这类词组,才能给考官一个给你高分的理由。
8分表达: I`d say I generally prefer eating at home, simply because the food I eat at home is a lot healthier than the food you get in most restaurants.
点评:是不是觉得很native~ I’d say,simply because大家可以学着用起来,the food I eat at home is a lot healthier,解释了前文所说的为什么喜欢在家里吃饭的原因,比较级的运用可以算是小小地show off一下哟。
Question 4:When was the last time you received a gift?
6分表达: About five weeks ago.
8分表达: Let me have a little think, um…… I suppose it must have been about five or six weeks ago, and it was some chocolate that a friend of mine gave me when he came over to my home for dinner (coz my friends all know that I`m a bit of a chocoholic!)
点评:假如遇到不会答的问题怎么办?切记切记,雅思口语考试其实也是一个交流的过程,考官不一定期望你知道所有问题的答案,但一定expect你有response。Let me have a little think……I suppose……这就是非常好的开头。
Question 5: Would you like to move to another city in the future?
6分表达:No, because I love my hometown.
8分表达: No I wouldn`t, the main reason being that I love my hometown, so if I moved somewhere else, I`m sure I wouldn`t be as happy as I am living here.
Question 6: Can you describe your home a little?
6分表达: My home is big, for example we have a big living room. And um……We also have a good view because our flat is very high.
点评:其实这个答案并不会得很低分。一般想要6分的同学完全可以这样说。对于想要7分甚至于是更高的烤鸭们而言,切记切记,一定要explain more!
8分表达: Yeah, sure. Well first of all, it`s pretty big. For example, the living room is about three or four times the size of this room. And, um…what else… oh yeah, and another thing to mention is the view, because we live quite high up, on the twentieth floor, so we`ve got a really nice view of the city centre.
点评:在考试的高压下假如能说出这样的答案,那么7分妥妥的。对于家的描述可以说是雅思的经典题型,其变体的出现频率非常高,但烤鸭们要回答得好还是有点难度的,因为可讲的东西有很多,稍不留神就会显得messy。这个回答中,告诉了考官房间的大小(three or four times the size of this room),楼层的高低。全篇都是细节,非常符合高分的三大准则。

以上就是雅思无忧网为您准备的雅思满分口语案例真题及答案 雅思口语8分答案是怎样的?为啥这么高分数全部内容。访问雅思无忧网(https://www.yasi.cn/),了解更多雅思考试新消息,新动态。

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