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雅思口语近期真题 郑州雅思口语2021年前三个月的考题回顾,哪位烤鸭有,...

更新:2023年09月22日 08:27 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语近期真题 郑州雅思口语2021年前三个月的考题回顾,哪位烤鸭有,...,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语近期真题 郑州雅思口语2021年前三个月的考题回顾,哪位烤鸭有,...


武汉:Part1Are you studying or working? Did you enjoy your first day in your university? Weather Does the weather affect you? Street market Have you ever been to the street market? What’s the differences between street market and super market? Which you prefer and why? Party2 Describe a beautiful place you would like to have a home there.Part3 Where do Chinese people build their home? 其他的记不清了。
济南山东大学考试:Party1 House or apartment You hometown or countryside You room Advertisement Part2 Waiting for someone Part3 Waiting time save money for sth
山东大学 room5Part1职业,为什么谈穗枝选这个学校,学校的第一天,天气。Street market Part2 Good law Part3*官员应该具备什么素质,警察应该把什么作为重点准则,有没有很多人违法,警察的工资高不高,why,你觉得工资多少合适。
华中科技大学Part1专业,老师 Part2 朋友的好习惯Part3培养孩子的好习惯,坏习惯是怎么形成的,怎么解决
北京考试中心 room9 Part1为什么选择这个学校,一周里最喜欢的是哪天,喜欢用相机还是*照相,Part2描述学校教室老师Part3教育小孩很重要吗,哪个角色重要Part4班级人数,学校大还是小好
电含敏科 R3 P1: work or study / major / shoes / good friend ; P2: radio/TV program ; P3: radio/TV program how to learn/how often/ government control
太原理工room7 超级nice帅小伙,一直都有眼神交流,整个过程像是聊天。p1flat or house,shopping,teacher;p2,long journey,p3,族迟旅行前要准备什么,旅行地点怎么选择,等等
北京教育指导中心r5 感觉听不清考官的发音有点…P1就是学校,生日 P2是重要的邮件或者信件P3就是各种关于信的问题…真心听不太懂他的发音…求人品啊!
北语101 白人光头,语速快,开始很严肃后面笑起来。P1holiday,P2singer or band,P3每个人都可以成为歌手么,good voice对唱歌有助么,人们喜欢什么样的歌手why,人们唱歌为了什么,当我说回家路上唱歌自嗨考官笑说他经常自嗨。求口语6.5保
武汉湖北大学rm12, part1,house or apartment,national public holiday. part2,one thing you cannot do now, but want to learn to do part3,difference between teaching at home and teaching at school, will parents be too busy to cook for children ?啊啊啊,只能想起这些了
山大rm15 p1问的学校 专业 交通方式p2童年游戏 p3现在孩子们经常玩什么游戏,电子游戏好还是不好,对 competitive game的看法。
武外英中rm13 趴1你来自哪里,你住的地方,适不适合小孩子住,认不认识邻居 趴2我想有栋房子的一个地方 趴3房型,然后各种混乱的房子问题
湖大,rm10,part1flat or house ,housework part2 singers part3各种跟音乐有关的问题,中西方歌手的差距,日韩歌手和中国歌手的差距,白人女考官超级美!!超级好!!但是语速过快哦。
武汉外国语room2 遇到打断狂魔浮夸胡子叔。part1 your home.part2 something made by yourself.part3 大多数人喜欢送什么礼物 为什么人们喜欢送手礼物 孩子喜欢手作礼物还是商店*的礼物
太原理工room3,p1 teacher, handwriting p2 保持健康 p3此类问题日志,帅考官问了很多问题,发音标准,人nice。
湖大 RM17 啪1 name housework friends啪2 good shop/company service when and who 啪3 jobs which deal with public what quality they need考官大叔一枚 严肃得让人觉得他是来考试的
湖北大学Room16 因为最后一个考官很着急[泪][泪][泪]不等我说完就下一个了part1 museum,photography,part2language,part3与part2有关的,大概是中文会不会成为国际语言.
湖北大学rm7 p1住flat还是apartment 喜不喜欢nature 家乡p2 do something good for your healthp3关于健康的一些问题考官是个胖胖的男纸问题很多 p1估计问了十个问题,还打断我的p2了
北语r207.白人瘦老头,语速快 严肃P1居住地,适合家庭住吗,爱street store吗,为啥有人喜欢去street store不去超市,爱啥天气,特殊天气,会选择极寒或者极冷的地方吗 P2分享东西 P3小孩不爱分享啥,咋教他们分享,分享有啥好处,咋享transport(这没听懂他解释说一起乘坐公交不开私家车啥的)
石家庄信息工程学院Room7,黑人,有口音,但人超nice,会给提示会冲你笑,不会打断,但对时间控制很严 P1Full name ,your hometown,museum and gallery
P2city you visited P3big city and countryside,the reasons about young people choose it
电子科大RM05 PART1问了很多,问了关于鞋子的。PART2一个重要的工作。PART3围绕JOB。~一个帅哥 人很好很好很好~
电子科大rm17 戴眼镜中年男的,眉毛很销魂,人很好一直在跟我有表情交流虽然我想他应该听得很辛苦! part1.公寓 旅游 怎么放松自己 part2.描述一个有趣的动物 part3.为啥要保护熊猫 社会动物保护问题 以及杀生吃动物的问题
湖大rm08,p1. 来自哪里,周围有很多人吗,和他们熟悉吗;最近的生日怎么过的,人们怎么过生日,老人小孩过生日哪个重要;会开车出行吗 p2. 一个学校的朋友 p3. 儿时朋友和长大找朋友有什么区别,以前找朋友和现在找朋友有什么区别
济南山大。Part 1 weather ! part two was the time you stayed in a place where far away from your home .and part 3 was about hotel .For example .why people live in a hotel .What are they looking for .just sleep or good service
杭州考试中心206,p1学习还是工作,为什么选那城市,第一天怎么样,喜欢*拍照还是相机,喜欢拍什么,以后想提高拍照水平吗,放松容易吗 p2家庭成员 p3人变老后家庭关系重要吗,小孩和老人在一起好吗,为什么人老了朋友就少,小孩的问题老人能解决吗。
电子科大room10 Part1Study or work;Part2 App;Part3 General对technology的看法
Part1工作还是学习,喜欢的食物;Part2一门想学的外语;Part3关于international language的一些讨论
山大room2Part1喜欢的房间、颜色,鞋子舒服,时尚;Part2 App;Part3现代科技,追求新科技的原因
北京语言大学 Part1为什么选择这个专业,喜欢电视上还是网上的广告,觉得post的广告怎么样;Part2 Long journey;Part3出发前要做什么准备,需不需要检查身体,人们喜欢去什么国家旅游,中国青少年倾向于去哪些国家
电子科大room3 Part1在哪儿住适不适合小孩,交通,天气;Part2电子邮件重要吗;Part3信的好处,面对面交流重要吗
武汉外国语room4 p1.住的是house还是apartment 喜欢的鞋子还一系列有关于鞋子的话题 ;p2.一个喜欢的电视节目或者radio program ;p3.电视节目和radio那个比较好。中国的电视节目的类别
财大303 Part1 Nature,company,countryside;Part2 A singer/band you likePart3各种音乐产生的目的,甚至问到怎么发展音乐产业
教育考试指导中心 rm05 20 30岁英国男,语速略快,一直皱眉头爱打断,特别爱问why,刨根问底地问。趴一 住哪 周围环境;有多少人;适不适合小孩;怎么放松 为什么能放松;博物馆好处。趴二 school friend。趴三 close friend;怎么交朋友;交朋友容易吗;小时候认识 现在一直联系的朋友。
武汉外国语学校 Part1 Hometown ,house or apartment ,shoes, Part2 Interesting conversation ;Part3Face to face or mobile
东南大学426考场,考官白人,很严肃。part:work or study,会根据你的回答问问题。part2:group work。part3:young children(指4岁以下) 和*s 在一起会玩什么。是否建议young boys和young girls在一起玩。。只记得这么多了
太原理工room5 Part1未来想做什么,好看的人,鞋子;Part2人们穿衣,好看的模特;Part3自然风光,照照片能表现美吗
石家庄 P1 House ,apartment;P2 Job;P3工作环境怎么样,跟过去相比好不好找工作,多少岁可以从事全职工作
武汉外国room8 P1你第一次遇见她是在什么地方,你平时喜欢做什么,你的专业是什么,你喜欢你的专业吗;P2一项你想要赢却没有赢的项目,你觉得你以后会赢吗 P3你觉得小孩子一般在比赛中会得到什么奖励,你觉得给孩子奖励好吗,你觉得是给成绩好的孩子奖励好,还是给其他孩子奖励好?

电子科大room4 P1名字,最喜欢家乡的部分,最喜欢的季节;P2 APP;P3一堆电子设备的问题,老人用好不好,孩子用好不好,家长应不应该让孩子使用




Part 1
Your Work or Your Studies

What do you do (in a typical day) at work?

Do you like your job?

Would you like to change your job?

Do you think you will need to receive any training in the future?

What job would you like to do in the future?

What subjects are you studying?

Why did you choose that subject?

What school (or university) do you go to?

How do you like your subject?

What's your favourite subject at school?

What's the most difficult part of your course?

What's the most interesting part of your course (your subject)?

For you, what's the most interesting part (or subject or class) of your course?


Please describe your home a little.

好哗 How do you think your hometown could be improved?

Where do you come from?

What would you recommend a tourist see in your hometown?

Would you say it's a good place to grow up?

Would you say that's a good place to live?

What's the traffic situation like in your hometown (or, where you are living now)?


What color do you like?

Do you often wear the clothes in the color you like?

What color would you paint on the wall of your home?


Do you like cooking?

Who usually does the cooking in your family (or, in your home)?

When did you learn how to cook?

In the future, do you think you will be cooking more than you do now, or less? (Why?)


Do you like animals?

What's your favourite animal?

Are people in your country fond of animals?

Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?


扰兆Do you like (to play/to do) any sports?

What sports are most popular with young people today?

Did you take part in any (organized) sport in school?

Do you think sport is important?

Are there any sports facilities near where you live?

缓袜租In the future, what sports would you like to play?


What food did you like to eat when you were a child?

Do you still like that food now?

Do you think it's good to (often) take children to restaurants?


what kind of movie do you like, why?

how often do you watch a movie?

where do you prefer to watch movie, cinema or home, why?


do you like sea?

how often do you go near the sea?

what people usually do when they near sea?

why people like sea?

do you like have a house or apartment near sea, why?


Are there many (or, any) museums in your hometown?

Do you often visit a museum?

Did you go to museums when you were younger?

When was the last time you visited a museum?

Do you think museums are important?

Do you think museums should sell things to visitors?


Do you like dancing?

Have you ever learned to dance?

When was the last time you danced?

Do you like to watch dance performances?

Why do you think some people like to dance?


Do you like reading books?

What kinds of books do you like to read?

When you were young, what books made the greatest impression on you?

What do you think are the benefits of reading to children?

Would you like to write a book?

Would you like to receive a book as a gift?

Daily routine

What do you do mainly do with your time?

What is the best part of the day for you? (Why?)

When do you do most of your study?

Would you like to change your daily routine?

Part 2&3

Describe a modern building that you think is interesting.

Do you prefer old buildings or modern buildings?

What do you think are the advantages of modern buildings over old buildings?

Do you think the (outside) appearance of a building is important?

Do you think government buildings should be more practical than attractive?

Do you think interesting modern buildings can be used to attract tourists?

What facilities do you think modern cities should have?

Describe a restaurant

How can a restaurant attract more costumers?

What kinds of restaurants are more popular in China?

Which is more popular, fast food of traditional food?

Describe a hotel

Describe a peaceful/harmonious/noisy place you go to.

What are the benefits of being alone?

What noises can we hear in a city?

Do you think noise (ever) has any benefits?

Do you think noise can be considered to be a form of pollution?

What harm can noise do to people's health?

How do you suggest this noise could be controlled?

What do you think the government should do about excessive noise?

Describe a place with water.

Describe a river.

Describe an ideal house.

Describe a historical place.

Describe a beautiful place.

Describe a zoo.

Describe a cinema.

Describe a long journey.

Object/ Thing

Describe a well-known story from your country.

Why do you think (little) kids like listening to stories?

Describe a quiz show you watch on TV that you are interested in attending.
Is quiz show popular in China?
Why young people do not like quiz shows?
Are there many competitions in everyday life?
Some people say that competition has some disadvantages. Do you agree?
Do you think that people are born to be competitive?

Describe a vehicle

part3:public transportation

Describe the type of books you prefer

Why do you enjoy reading this type?

What kinds of books do people of your age like to read?

What books do the elderly and young like to read? Why do they like different books?

What do you think of reading online?

Describe an interesting job you hear

what is it? where do you hear this job? whether you want to do this job in the future?

Compared to the past, what's the differences of the condition of workplace currently?
Do you think it is reasonable that different people get different amount of salary?
Do you think that people should get the same income?
What can a good employer provide to his employees in addition to salary?

Describe a useful piece of (electrical) equipment that you often use at home

Are there any of those that you think are not very important?

What do you think are the benefits of using modern equipment and devices (in the home)?

Do you agree that older people have difficulties in using modern equipment?

How can we help elderly people to use these modern devices?

Describe something healthy to the environment you would recommend

What do you think are the differences between healthy food and 'junk food'?

What things do you think people in China need to do in order to improve their health?

Do you think modern people do enough regular exercise?

Do you think it's important for children to learn about a healthy lifestyle?

Do you think the media can play a role in educating people about health?

Do you think it's a good idea for employers to encourage their employees to live a healthy life?

How can employers do that?

Describe a sport/an outdoor activity.

Describe a gift for another person/you received.

Describe a precious gift.

Describe a film you have recently seen.

What kind of movie is popular in China? Why?

What is the difference between Chinese movie and foreign movies?

What do you learn from watching movies?

Do you think it is important for a movie to be advertised?

If foreign movies without advertisement, will it still be so success?

Do you think a movie will be success without advertisement? If yes, why?

What kind of people prefer to watch foreign movies than Chinese Movies in China? Why?

What is the difference between Chinese and Foreign movies?

Describe a job you would like to do

what is the job, what do you need to do this job, where do you want to do this job, why do you want to do this job.

Is it difficult to find a job?

In what ways do people to find job?

What kind of people employers need, and why?

What skills do people need to find a job?

Which is better, go to society before university or go to university directly?

Do schools help students to find jobs?

Do you think school do enough for students to find jobs, why?

Describe a knowledge quiz TV show you would like to take part in.





1.Is it important for children to play outdoors?

2.Did you often go over to your friends’ house when you were going?

3.Did you like to go outside when you were young?

4.Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?


1.Can you recognize a fake *ile?

2.Do you *ile when people take pictures of you?

3.When do people *ile at others?

4.Do you like to *ile?


1.Are there many street markets in China?

2.Do you often go to the supermarket?

3.What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?

4.What do street markets sell?


1. Do you write letters or emails?

2. Do you prefer to write letters by hand or use a computer?

3. What do you usually write about?

4. Who do you usually write to?

5. How do you feel when you receive a letter?

6. Do you think people will still write letters in the future?


1. Do you enjoy cooking?

2. Would you like to learn cooking?

3. Have you learned cooking before?

4. Is it difficult to cook Chinese food?

5. Have you cooked anything special?


1. How often do you buy shoes?

2. Have you bought shoes online?

3. What kind of shoes do you like?

4. Do you like nice shoes or comfortable shoes?

5. Do you have a favorite pair of shoes? / Would you buy shoes online in the future?


1. Is there anything being polluted in your hometown?

2. What are the common types of pollutions in the countryside?

3. What are the causes of those pollutions?

4. Have you ever done anything to help the environment?


1.How long can you remember your dream when you wake up?

2.Do you like hearing others dream?

3.Do you think dream will affect life?

4.Do you often have dreams at night?


1. Do you like science?

2. Are there many science museums in your hometown?

3. Did you like science classes when you were young?

4. How did you learn science at school?

5. Do you think children should have both art classes and science classes?

6. Do you think science is important to our society?



part 1


1 Name

What’s your full name?

What name do people at home call you?

Does your name have any special meaning?

Would you like to change your name?

Do Chinese people attach a lot of importance to names?

2 Hometown

What do you like about your hometown?

Did you learn much about the history about your hometown?

Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years?

What facilities does your hometown have?

3 Accommodation

Can you describe the place where you live?

Please describe the room you 握冲源live in.

Are the transport facilities near your home very good?

How well do you know your neighbors?

Would you say the place where you live is good for families with children?

4 Work/Study

Do you work or are you a student?

What is your favorite subject at school?

What is your future work plan?

What do you like about your work?

5 Shoe

What kind of shoes do you like?

Where do you shop for shoes?

Do you prefer comfortable shoes or pretty shoes?

6 Friend

Do you have many close friends?

What do you usually do with your friends?

How long have you known your best friend?

7 Food/Fruits

Do you think there are any benefits from eating breakfast?

What do you consider to be a healthy diet?

Are you willing to try some new food?

What’s your favorite fruit?

8 Laughing

When would people usually laugh?

Do you enjoy laughing?

Is laughing beneficial to health?

9 Handwriting

Do you prefer handwriting or typing?

Will handwriting be replaced by typing in the future?

10 Nature

Do you enjoy nature?

What could people do to protect our natural environment?

11 Camping

Do you like camping?

Have you ever had camping experience before?

Is camping very popular in your country?


12 Cars

Do you like cars?

Do you have a driver’s license?

If you wanted to buy a car, what kind 段态of car would you choose?

Do you like travelling by car?

13 Languages

What foreign languages 判局have you studied?

Do Chinese people have many opportunities to practice oral English?

What is the most difficult part about studying a foreign language?

14 Dictionary

Do you often use dictionary?

What kind of dictionary do you prefer to use?

What are the benefits of using dictionaries for kids?

15 Map

Do you use maps?

Do you think map is important?

Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?


16 Noise

Are you often bothered by noise?

What natural sounds do you like the most?

What are some places where there is a lot of noise?

17 Street Market

Do you like visiting street market?

What is usually sold in these street markets?

Would you like to visit a street market in a foreign country?

Do people in your country prefer to shop at a street market or in normal malls?

18 Shopping

Do you like shopping?

Is there anything you don’t like about shopping?

Do you enjoy shopping alone or with others?

19 On-Line Shopping

Do you like shopping on line?

What are the benefits of shopping on line?

20 Housework

Do you usually do any housework?

Do you think it’s important for children to do some housework?

21 TV

What kind of TV program do you like to watch?

What kind of TV program is popular in China?

How do you feel about advertisements on TV?

22 Color

What’s your favorite color?

Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?

Do you think color is important in our daily life?

Are there any colors you dislike?

23 Concentration

Is it easy to concentrate on things?

How to make children concentrate on things?

24 Reading

Do you like reading?

Do you like reading in the morning or in the afternoon?

What kind of books do you like to read?

25 Cycling

Do you like riding bicycles?

Are bicycles very popular in China?

What are the benefits of riding bicycles?

26 Birthday

What do you usually do on your birthdays?

What do Chinese people usually do on their birthdays?

Is birthday still important to you?

27 Teachers

Do you like your teachers?

What do you think of your teachers?

When you were in school, did your teacher have an influence on you?

What qualities should a good teacher have?

28 Politeness

Is being polite very important?

Who taught you to be polite?

29 Time Management

Do you often wear a watch?

Is being on time important?

How do you feel when others are late?

30 Toy

What kind of toy did you like to play when you were little?

Are there any differences between the toys today and toys in the past?

Why are some *s still keeping their childhood toys?







1.    We have a population with a mix of cultures and ethnics in a country. Why is this the case?And has this become a positive or negative development?(文化类)

2.    Some people think we should invent a new language that can be used by people all over the world for international communication. Do you think its benefits would outweigh the problems?(文化类)

3.    Some people believe that news media is influencing people’s lives and just brings negative effects today. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(传媒类)

4.    Newspapers have great influence on people’s opinions and ideas. What are the reasons of the phenomenon and *yze the positive and negative effects of the phenomenon.(传媒类)

5.    Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(*类)

6.    Some people think that individuals are not able improve the environment, only government and companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(*类)

7.    In some countries, it is possible for people to have a variety of food that has been transported from all over the world. To what extent do you think its benefits outweigh the drawbacks? (社会现象类)

8.     People nowadays are living in societies where consumer goods are relatively cheaper to buy. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (社会现象类)

9.     Recently, children are spending much time on TV instead of active and creative things, why do you think this is a case? What measures will be helpful to change this problem? (教育类/report)

10.   Today, more and more students are choosing to move to other cities to have higher education. Do you think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks? (教育类)


托福官方指南中将托福听力对话部分分为两类:office hours与service encounters。office hours是美国课后与老顷型师交流的时间,讲的基本是一些与学术或是课程有关的问题。而service encounters则是校园中日常起居有关的话题。
a) 澄清作业具体要求b) 作业具体要求,步骤,先后顺序等问题c) 学生对完成作业难易度的判断
a) 学生咨询选课计划,选多少,选哪些,及如何满足某缺乎仔些课的特殊要求b) 教授对学生选课计划的担忧 c) 教授对学生选课的建议 d) 该课程最终得分情况
a) 对话目的- 确定论题, 选定题目有困难b) 讨论论文得分及被教授指出优缺点c) 论文进度及教授的具体要求 d) 请求延期
a) 关于考试建议,复习建议 b)分数讨论,过低如何补救c) 大小测验占总成绩比重(出勤率及课堂参与度) d) 成绩单出现的问题(出错/更改)
a) 还书是否及时 overdue, duedate b) 是否罚款 fine, check out(付帐后离开) c) 借书时困难的解决 put an hold on the book(预约借书) d) 还书时发生误会等
professor’s office hour 教授答疑时间
lecture hall 讲堂,讲演厅,报告厅
tutorial 个别指导
deadline 最后期限,截止时间
overdue 过期的
schedule 时间表,计划v. 安排,计划
time slot 时间空档
dissertation 论文
course 课程
option 选修科目
presentation (国外学生在课堂上所做的)演讲
field work 野外考察 实地考察
attendance 出勤, 上课
information 信息
exam schedule 考试时间表
term 学期
date 日伏汪期
book 预定
department 院系
invigilator 监考人员
sign up 注册
sheet 单子
bulletin board 公告板
draft 草稿
dean 系主任
review 复习
draw up 结论
manually 手工的
consult 咨询
register 注册
physiology 生理学
sophomore 大二学生
second year course 大二课程
first year student 新生
transfer 转系转专业
begin my first lecture 开始第一次课
introduce 介绍
complete 完全的
approach 方法途径
laws of physics and chemistry 物理化学定律
process of life 生命进程
vital force 关键力量
philosophical approach 哲学方法
scientific experimentation 科学实验
final exam 期末考试
midterm 期中考试
multiple choice question 多选题
essay question 问答题
comprehensive exam 综合测试
the subject 主题
review 复习
text book 教材
class note 课堂笔记
the final will count for 50% of your grade 期末考试占总成绩的50%
research project 调查项目
run into problems 遇到困难
school bulletin 学校公告栏
required writing course 必修写作课程
first year student 大一新生
third year stuent 大三学生
research paper 调查报告
sign up 注册
cover the entire process of writing a research paper 涵盖论文写作的全过程
selecting topic 选择性题目
final format 最终格式
presentation 课堂展示
hand in 提交
assignment 作业
final grade 最终分数
class meeting 班会
lecture 讲座,课程
different concept 不同的概念
hand in 提交
issue 发行
revision 复习
grade 分数
research paper 论文
due 截止日期
proposed topics 推荐的论文选题
make comment 评论
the most frequent problem 最常见的问题
broad 广泛的
preliminary outline 初步提纲
schedule 计划表
available 可利用的
appointment 预约,约会
final outline 最终提纲
no more than two pages long 不得多于2页
thesis statement 论文陈述
precise statement 精确的陈述
conclusion 总结

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