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Juvenile Juvenile Delinquency

更新:2023年09月23日 14:36 雅思无忧

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Juvenile Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Delinquency

Newslink: https://paper.i21st.cn/story/107719.html


Juvenile delinquency refers to the serious social harm of 10 to 25-year-old people. There are many juvenile delinquency: gang crime, serious crimes, more sudden crimes, motive, purpose is relatively simple, the means of maturity, intelligence and younger age, and the characteristics Juvenile delinquency has its own, family, schools, society and the judiciary and other reasons, we should take their own prevention, family prevention, school prevention, social prevention and judicial prevention and other prevention methods to carry out comprehensive management.

To prevent and Juvenile delinquency is a common social problem faced by all countries in the world today. some people call it "three major public hazards in the world" in parallel with environmental pollution, drug abuse and drug trafficking.

Crime is an unavoidable social phenomenon in society. Anthropologists have pointed out pointedly: "to some extent, when a civilization tends toward higher, perhaps more valuable goals, the greater the likelihood of In addition to the negative impact of the social environment, the prevalence of juvenile delinquency in criminal cases is high due to the general physical and psychological characteristics of adolescents themselves, such as increased body needs, sexual maturity, and psychological immaturity, impulsiveness, In view of this crime phenomenon, we should explore and summarize the characteristics of juvenile delinquency:

1. Joint crime, gang crime, with the "gang" nature of gang crime also has an increasing trend.

2. There are many serious crimes, and the means of committing them are more savage and ferocious, often reckless.

3. The sudden crime is many, the crime motive, the goal is quite pure, has certain blindness.

4. The *, intelligent and younger age of crime.

5. Judging from the educational reform of juvenile delinquency, the rate of recidivi* is strong and the rate of recidivi* is rising.

It is generally believed that crime prevention is a comprehensive multi-force, the use of a variety of means, to take a variety of measures to prevent and reduce crime and re-crime initiatives system. This is a broad concept The concept of contemporary criminology focuses more on "prevention", that is, taking targeted measures prior to the implementation of crime as preventive activities, that is, paying more attention to "nip in the bud". The basic meaning of "prevention" in Chinese is "precaution" This is the narrow sense of the concept of "prevention": "means to eliminate or limit the possibility of criminal acts for the sole purpose or the main measures and acts collectively. ” our country has always carried out the basic criminal policy of "mass prevention and control" and "comprehensive management", which is correct. we should attach importance to the crime Juvenile delinquency is a social problem, its causes are many, can be said to be a social "syndrome". We should rely more on the strength of the whole society for As the United nations guidelines for the prevention of juvenile delinquency (article 2) puts it: the successful prevention of juvenile delinquency requires the efforts of the whole society; China's law on the prevention of juvenile delinquency (article 3) also clearly States: "prevention of juvenile delinquency, under the leadership of people's governments at all levels, the implementation of comprehensive .











青少年犯罪的英文为什么是Juvenile delinquency,而...

就是 专有名词 ,比较正式的说法“Juvenile delinquency”
“junior crime”也是可带租以的,有时候口语考试或者写作文的时候,如果是讨论“青少年犯罪”这个主题,肯定要多次提到,所以为了避免重复使用一个词,可以交替使用(这个隐洞词我们外教老师专门讲过),会让考官感觉你词汇量蠢携兆很大。
Juvenile delinquency
junior crime
Juvenile crime这几个可以互换的。

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