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雅思口语话题:special meal

更新:2021年11月28日 13:17 雅思无忧

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雅思口语话题:special meal

今天老师给大家分享special meal 雅思口语中相对比较简单的一个话题。
所谓special meal 可以描述一顿特别的大餐,比如生日宴会,节日庆祝,又或者是有特别意义的一餐饭等等,同学们可以自由发挥。对于这个 雅思口语话题special meal的解体思路 是:
What you ate or what the meal consisted of.
Who made it.
Where you had this meal.
Who you ate with.
Explain why the meal was so special.
alkaline:碱性的                cheesy:质量低劣的
burnt:烧焦的                  crispy:酥脆的
vinegary:酸的                  sour:酸的
buttery:涂有黄油的             bland:口味淡的
raw:生的,未加工的            ripe:熟的,成熟的
spicy:辛辣的                   hearty:丰盛的
hot:烫的,辣的                tasty:美味的,好吃的
sweet:甜的                    bittersweet:又苦又甜的
gingery:辛辣的,姜味的         overripe:过熟的
oily:油的                      fruity:水果味的
fishy:鱼的                     sugary:甜的,含糖的
salty:咸的                     luscious:甘美的
rotten:腐坏的                  spoiled:坏掉
peppery:辛辣的,胡椒味的      mellow:芳醇的
medicinal:药的                 bitter:苦的
tangy:味道浓的                greasy:油腻的
delicious:美味的                fresh:新鲜的
tender:柔软的                 mild:味淡的
这些形容词可以为你描述食物的时候提供方便。但是要知道这个special meal并不一定是体现在食物的特别之处,它的特别之处还可以体现在其他的方面,比如说场合的特殊性,参与对象的特殊性,又或者这餐meal本身的特殊性等等,同学们尽可以尽情地发挥。下面老师给大家提供一篇范文参考。
When taking about a special meal, I would like to share my first Spring Festival Eve dinner away from my hometown. In order to receive better education, I had to leave my hometown and came to Shanghai for my university study. I had to deal with everything by myself. In the Spring Festival ,my parents came to visit me. I would like to show them how independent their daughter had become. On the New Year Eve before they arrived, I began to prepare the dinner.It was the first time in my life that I have cooked a meal. It was just a simple meal and I just make dumplings for them. My parents were really surprised about what I did. Though some filling leaked out and many dumplings looked ugly, my parents kept saying that it was so delicious and how glad they were to see their daughter could look after herself very well. I could see the tears of joy in my mother’s eyes. At that moment, I knew the true meaning of love and happiness. Whenever the Spring Festival comes, I will think of that dinner standing for my independence and my parents’ happy *ile.
以上便是老师对于special meal 雅思口语的讲解。这个话题本身并不难,同学们自己不要将问题复杂话,大胆地把自己要表达的东西show出来吧。更多 ,可关注网站。


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