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雅思口语新题picnic or special meal

更新:2021年12月02日 12:24 雅思无忧

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雅思口语新题picnic or special meal

下面带来的是雅思口语新题picnic or special meal ,希望有需要的考生好好看看。

Describe a picnic or meal that you ate outdoors./Describe a picnic you took part in

You should say

Where you had this meal

Who was with you

What you ate and drank

And explain why you enjoyed this picnic or outdoor meal.

Speaking of the picnic, i 'd like to talk about the outdoor barbecue last summer. Actually my dad is a big fan of American TV dramas and he often sees people go out to have a barbecue on those shows so he planned a barbecue at the beach. The reason why the barbecue was held at the beach was cuz there was plenty of space and we could also do some fishing too – I actually spent 2 hours that day next to the fishing rod but didn’t catch anything.

To prepare for this of course we bought the cooking equipment and meat – a lot of meat! My dad also had to practice making a few burgers at home so that he didn’t look like a fool on the actually day we had the barbecue. Of course we called our friends about a month in advance to tell them to keep their calendars free.

Most people who went this event also brought a plate of food or drinks so we had a variety of food and drinks – including alcohol. In the end the outdoor barbecue was a great success. Most people satisfied with the food and how my dad organized this barbecue.

As you know summer is coming and since the last outdoor barbecue was such a success I think we maybe have another one this summer.


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