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更新:2021年12月02日 05:43 雅思无忧



从今年年初开始,考过雅思口语考试的烤鸭们一定知道在Part 2部分关于地方的话题虽然不是很多,但是一直比较热门,而且出新题的比率有上升趋势,比如说A place where you enjoy music、An interesting foreign country等话题。雅思口语要求烤鸭们对身边的地方,去过的地方,或者向往的地方都要有所准备。尤其是身边的地方,一直是很多烤鸭们心头的一个痛处,比如说A room where you spend more time、A perfect house。这些方向的话题不运用性非常强,可以在雅思口语的三个部分都有所体现,而且涉及的相关词汇比较生僻,重要的是很多学生觉得说起来非常没有意思,自己都觉得很无聊,听者更觉得无聊,所以很多烤鸭们在遇到这样的话题时都是无情地被标上了5分或者5.5分雅思口语成绩的标签。那要如何攻克这样看似“肤浅”的雅思口语话题,得到7分呢?


A perfect house you have visited
You should say:
When you visited this house
Where it was
What it looked like
Explain why you liked it
开场: 特的机遇让你遇到特的房子给你特的回忆,以至于你在考场上按捺不住你激动的心情。
Well, off the top of my head, I’d like to describe my uncle’s house that I visited with my parents last Spring Festival. It is located in the suburb of Sanya, making the way like a trip. The memories that I had in the house are still so fresh that I am dying to share them with you today.
引申: 很多烤鸭们反应这个部分是难的,如果只停留在描述房子的外貌和你做的事情,会显得很干瘪,难以展开。所以我强烈建议烤鸭们在这部分开始感情泛滥,突显感受,以情打动考官。结合由外到内的思路,描述地方的外貌和所看所做。
When I got off the car, I was totally amused by the house. It was a three-storey structure and light brown on the outside. Passing the driveway, I saw the *all garden on the right corner of it. The pleasant fragrance from the flowers growing inside just made us refreshed and relieved. There was even a *all backyard pool which reflected the owner’s habit and taste.
When I set my foot inside, the special interior design and personalized decorations just wowed me. There were five bedrooms and each of them was well equipped with TV, beddings, and even paintings collected by my uncle. The grey and soft carpet laid on the floor made the rooms much warmer and more intimate.
结尾: 重点突出房子中吸引的构造或者设施,这里可以结合A room话题画上完美的句号。
What I was more into was the study where I could expose to the old and precious books preserved neatly in the bookshelf. As a big fan of reading, I amazingly spent a couple of hours indulging myself inside until the big dinner was served.
Although we just stayed there for few days, I fell in love with it and I am really looking forward to going there again.



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