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雅思口语高难度话题之法律相关真题 【1月6日更新】1月雅思口语Part1

更新:2023年04月22日 06:00 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语高难度话题之法律相关真题 【1月6日更新】1月雅思口语Part1,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语高难度话题之法律相关真题 【1月6日更新】1月雅思口语Part1






1 学生在这方面的知识积累非常有限,从而导致很多时候,考生们的答案要么是偏离主题,要么是千篇一律,缺乏originality;

2 学生在这方面的词汇非常的少,可以说大多数学生几乎没有什么这方面的语言基础,所以,在表达时无法用英文表达。




1 Talk About A Good Law In Your Country


1 一谈到法律,很多考生就会根据惯性的思维,去讲一些未成年人保护法,刑法等。其实,这就好比考生给自己找了个套,然后钻了进去。因为这类法律所涉及的内容非常的广泛,而且很多时候考生根本就不清楚这些法律所涉及的内容,或者说所保护的人群,从而导致自己说不了几句,就没有思路了。然后,到最后,因为国内外法律的巨大差异,考官不仅不明白,自己也非常迷惑了。所以,如何避开这些内容,就成为了得分的关键。

2 这个题目的关键词是 ‘Good’. 所以在回答这个题目的时候,考生并不仅仅要介绍这样的一个法律,而且还应该将重点集中在为什么说这条法律好,好在哪些方面,这条法律具体针对的是什么问题,这个问题怎么严重,这项法律出台之前是怎样的,这项法律出台之后这个情况得到了怎样的改善。



Restricting the use of plastic packaging


塑料袋 (plastic bags or plastic packaging) 白色污染 (white pollution)

环保袋 (environment-friendly bags) 生物可降解 (biodegradable)

能源消耗 (energy consumption) 不可再生资源 (non-renewable energy resources)

出台法律 (roll out/introduce/ put forth/pass the law)



2 Describe an Interesting Law

这个题目的重点就在interesting这个词上面。我回国后,发现很多中国学生对interesting这个词的理解非常的片面。大多数学生认为interesting这个词的意思仅仅的局限于有意思,会令人发笑的。 其实,这只是interesting这个单词一个层面的意思的解读。这个词还表示独特的,反常规的。比如说,It is interesting that you mentioned it because what you did yesterday was totally contradicting what you just said.

看到很多考生都会去寻找一些令人发笑的法律。这是非常难的,因为法律都带有一定严肃性。当然,一些学生可能会去说一些国外的奇怪的法律。如果这样的话,考生首先要去看清楚这个题目是否有in your country这样的词汇的限制。再者,考生除非去过那个法律所存在国家或地区,否则的话,就更像是客观的描述,这样一来,这条法律与自己的联系就很少。所以,建议不要这样讲。



Intellectual Property Right Law


正版 (authentic/real/genuine copy) 盗版 (pirated/fake copy)

下载 (download) 下载文件链接 (download link)

打击 (crack down on/stamp out) 在线观看 (online video streaming)

睁一只眼闭一只眼 (turn a blind eye to)

完善的体系制度 (well-established system)

这个题目的探讨价值,换句话说,它为什么interesting, 就在于中国其实是有知识产权,或者说版权法的,但是盗版现象依然非常严重,没有相关的*职能部分去负责这个问题,而且全中国人几乎都是在大量,大肆的下载。所以,这个问题是值得讨论的。在作答过程中,考生首先可以先将解释一下,中国有此法律。然后阐述这个法律应该起到的作用和在现实生活中的强烈对比。最后,考生可以讲解一下自身的感受,你认为盗版问题严重吗,盗版是否会消失,为什么人们都*盗版,猜测以后*是否会对这方面的法律进一步加强。


1 Do you think it is necessary to create a law?

除非考生能有什么非常独到的观点能够让考官眼前一亮,一般来说,建议考生还是回答yes. 然后,考生可以先说如果没有法律的约束(deterrent forces of laws and regulations), 那么,不可避免的(inevitably), 社会就会变的非常的混乱(chaotic, disorderly), 人们以自己的意愿作为支配,造成对其他人以及整个社会的伤害(do harm to). 然后,考生可以举两个例子,来支持自己的观点。所以,得出结论,法律的存在是非常的有必要的。法律能够保障每个人的权益(interest), 是文明进步的一个标志。

2 Do you think the law is fair?

很多学生看到这个题目的时候,脑子都会很乱,感觉无从说起。所以,针对这种非常广泛抽象的题目,最明智的选择就是分情况而定。比如说,首先上来,考生能说的就是*在制定(introduce/devise) 法律的时候,都是以*的利益 (interest)为出发点,因此这要看情况而定。这时候,考生就可以举出两种法律;这两个法律是如何保证了(safeguard)*的利益, 而同时少数人的利益会有所损失。

3 Do we have to be punished if we don’t follow the law?

答案是肯定的。考生们可以说如果我们违反了法律(violate the law),而同时又没有受到任何的惩罚(punishment), 那么法律的意义就失去了(defeat the purpose of the existence of law),人们因此会不顾法律的存在。然后,考生可以从惩罚的方式上开始做文章。这样一来,这个题目就变成了雅思写作里面非常popular 的题目。(should criminals be sent to prison or receive education and job training?),学生们可以参考自己写作中的内容。如果对于那些想拿7分以上的考生来说,你们还可以参考一下以前我写过的关于死刑(capital punishment) 的讨论。因为这类话题非常难,建议水平不是非常好的学生勿尝试。

4 What’s the difference between a police officer and a lawyer?


首先呢,考生应该先说police officer和lawyer 都是在法律和惩罚这个大话题下的重要的所能涉及到的人。然后,区别的话,建议老师从下面这么2个方面来说。1.他们在真个法律维护的过程中所担任的角色不同。Police officer更多的是要担负起抓捕罪犯的责任,而这个罪犯是否有罪是由法院和律师说的算。律师更多的是为代理方争取最大化的利益。2. 这两方的工作目的在很多时候是相反的。当police officer将罪犯逮捕归案,被告方律师却要相仿设法将罪犯的责任解脱掉。所以,两方的利益在某种程度上来说又是冲突的。(当然,这里在讲的时候不要太过学术)。




重要提示:雅思口语题库1月开始变题。变化部分由新题+老题重考组成。12月份题库会有50%左右的话题的延续,其他50%会被暂时踢出题库,由新题取代。而这50%的新题里面将有40%左右为旧题回库题及旧题改编题,全新题仅为10%左右。1月7,12, 14和21场次考生,都可按此题目范围开始备考口语。





Part 1. Television

What TV programs are you interested in?

When do you watch TV?

In China, have television programs changed much in recent years?

How do you think TV programs in China could be improved?

2. Indoor Games

Do you play any indoor games?

Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?

What indoor games did you play when you were a child?

Is there any particular indoor game that you liked (when you were a child)?

What sorts of indoor games do children play now?

3. Friend

Do you have many friends?

How often do you talk to your friends?

How do you communicate with your friends?

How can people make friends in yourcountry?

4. Mirror

How often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?

Have you ever bought mirrors?

Would you use mirrors to decorate rooms?

5. Watch

How often do you wear a watch?

What was your first watch like?

What kinds of watches do you like to wear?

Do people still wear watches in your country?

6. Housework

Do you do housework at home?

Do you think men and women should share housework?

What kinds of housework do you dislike todo?

Did you help your parents do housework when you were young?

7. Video game

Do you play video games?

What kinds of video games do you like to play?

Is it good for young people to play video games?

8. Shoes

How often do you buy shoes?

Have you ever bought shoes online?

Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?

What’s your favorite type of shoes?

9. Robots

Do you like robots?

What kinds of robots would like to have?

Will robots change our society significantly?

10. Dream

Do you often have dreams at night?

Have you had a bad dream before?

What was the strangest dream you have had?

What do you usually dream about?

11. Forget things

What kinds of things do you have to bring when you go out

Did you ever forget to bring something?

How do you remind yourself?

Do you carry different things in the morning and in the evening?

Part 2&3

12. 有趣的邻居Describe an interesting neighbor.

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know this person

What this person likes to do

And explain why you think this neighbor is interesting


①Do you think neighbors are important?

②Do you think it's important to have a good relationship with one's neighbors?

③Do you think people's relationships with their neighbors today is the same as it was in the past?

④What are the benefits of belonging to acommunity?

13. 兴奋的活动Describe a/an new/exciting activity that you want to try for the first time.

You should say:

What it is

Where you can do it

How you would do it

And explain why you feel excited

Part 3

①Do you like to do risky things?

②Why is good to be adventurous?

③Does it benefit people when they try new things?

④Why do some people eat the same things all the time?

14. 未来假期Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future

You should say:

Where you want to go

When you would like to go

What you can do for the holiday

Who you would like to go with

And explain why you want to have this holiday


①Do you like short holidays or long holidays?

②Do you think modern life styles give people enough time for leisure?

③What’s the most popular tourist attraction in China?

④What’s the most important factor for a tourist attraction?

⑤Do you think we should have more public holidays?

15. 和小孩共度时光Describe an experience you spend your time with a child

You should say:

When you spent time with this child

Who this child was

What you did together

And how you felt about it

Part 3

①Do parents in your country spend a lot of time with their children?

②Who did you spend most time with when you were young?

③Why do some young people dislike living with old people?

④What do you usually do when you hang out with your friends?

⑤Do you like to spend time on your own or with your family/friends?

16. 历史事件Describe an event in history in your country

Youshould say:

Where it happened

When it happened

How you know it

What happened

And how you feel about this event.

Part 3

①How do people in your country learn about historical events?

②Do people like to learn history?

③What kind of people can appear in history?

④Should governments spend money on museums?

⑤Do you think museums should be free?

17. 商店Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown

You should say:

Where the shop is

When it opened

What it sells

And how you feel about the shop

Part 3

①Do you like big shops or *all shops?

②Why do some people like to visit *all shops?

③Should governments develop big shops or *all shops?

④Should shops be located in city centers or in the suburbs?

⑤What can shops do to attract customers?

18. 一个计划Describe a plan in your life(that is not related to work or study)

You should say:

What it was about

When you made it

How it worked

And how you felt about the result


①Should parents set goals for children?

②When do young children start to set goals for themselves?

③What kinds of goals are not realistic?

④Why do people set goals?

⑤What would you feel if you couldn’t achieve your goals?

19. 等待Describe a time that you were waiting for something

You should say:

When it happened

Where it happened

Who you were with

What you were waiting for

And how you felt about it


①Do you think patience is important?

②Why is it difficult for children to be patient?

③What would you do if you wait for someone for a long time?

④Would you easily feel angry when you wait for a long time?

⑤Have you ever been late for meeting someone?

20. 重读的书Describe a book you want to read again

You should say:

What it is

What it is about

When you read it for the first time

And explain why you want to read it again.


①How often do you read?

②Do Chinese people like to read?

③Do people with different reading levels buy the same kinds of reading materials?

④What do Chinese people like to read?

⑤What kinds of materials do you think people should read?

⑥What benefits do young people get from reading?

21. 有意思的住宅Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited

You should say:

Where this place is

What it is like

When you want to live in there

and explain why you want to live in such a place.


①How is modern home design (both inside& outside appearance) in your country different to that of the past?

②In your country, what type of home do most people live in?

③Do people prefer to live in modern homes or the older-style homes (e.g., from 50 years ago)?

④How are modern homes different to older homes?

⑤What do you imagine people's houses will be like in the future?

⑥Why do people sometimes move to live in a different home?

22. 不同意的决定Describe a decision made by others that you disagreed with

You should say:

What the decision was

How it was made

What you disagreed with

And explain why you disagreed with it


①What skills are necessary when making decisions?

②How can people improve their decision-making skills?

③How do you think computers will change the way people make decisions?

④Do parents in China allow their children to make important decisions about the future?

⑤Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?

23. 重要影响的家人Describe a family member who has had important influence on you

You should say:

who the person is

what kind of person he or she is

what this person has done to influence you

and explain why you think this person is important to you


①These days, people from different generations live together, do you think this is a problem?

②Why do some children get spoiled at home?

③Do young *s in your country like to communicate with old people?

④How much do you think people should be responsible for (the welfare of) their own parents?

⑤Do you think family relationships are important?

24. 乡下的愉快经历Describe a time you had good experience in the countryside

You should say:

Where you went

What you did

When you did it

Who you went with

And explain why it was enjoyable?

Part 3

①Do young people enjoy living in the countryside?

②Do old people prefer to live in the countryside or in the city?

③Why do many people move from *all towns to big cities?

④What’s the difference between living in the countryside and living in the city?

⑤How has life changed in the countryside in your country?

25. 名人Describe a famous person that you are interested in

You should say:

who this person is

how you know about this person

what sort of life they had before they became famous

how this person became famous

and explain why you like this person.


①How do people become famous?

②What types of people become famous in your country?

③What qualities do (all or most or many)famous people have in common?

④Do you think people are famous as a result of some real talent or are they famous for some other reasons?

⑤What are the good points about being famous?

26. 擅长的工作Describe a well-paid job that you will be good at

You should say:

What it is

How you can find this job

What it requires you to do

And explain you think you will be good at it


①Is it hard to find a good job in China?

②What kinds of preparation should people dofor a job interview?

③Why do some people keep changing their jobs?

④What should a good employer do?

⑤Would like to work on weekends?

⑥How would define “a good job”?

27. 安静的地方Describe a quiet place

You should say:

Where it is

When you like to go there

What you do there

Why you like to visit there

Part 3

①Why do some people not like quiet places?

②Do you know other quiet places?

③Do you need a quiet place when you are working?

④Why do people like to spend time in quiet places?

⑤Do you know anyone who likes noise?

28. 去过的咖啡馆Describe a cafe which you have been to

You should say:

where this restaurant is

what type of food the restaurant has

why you go to this restaurant

and explain why you like this restaurant /why this restaurant impresses you.


①What are some reasons why people eat out?

②Does it give people more status to eat in a restaurant rather than eat at home?

③Do people now go to restaurants more than before? (Why?/Why not?)

④What's the difference between eating at home and eating in a restaurant?

⑤Is there any difference between home-cooked food and food in restaurants?

⑥Which food do you think is healthier, restaurant food or home-cooked food?

29. 外国食品Describe a kind of foreign food you have had

You should say:

When you had it

Where you ate it

What it was

and how you felt about it

Part 3

①Do you like to try new food?

②What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

③Do you like to cook at home?

④Is it expensive to eat out in your country?

⑤What’s the difference between Chinese food and western food?

30. 游泳胜地Describe a popular place where people like to go swimming

You should say

Where it is

What it is like

Who like to swim there

And why it is popular for swimming

Part 3

①Is it important to swim?

②Should children learn how to swim?

③Who can teach children swimming well?

④Why can swimming help people become healthier?

⑤Should a city have a lot of sports facilities?

31. 优质服务Describe an occasion that you received a good service from a restaurant or shop

You should say:

what the service was

when and where you received the service

whom you were together with

and explain why you think it was a good service.


①What jobs require staff to get in touch with many people?

②What qualities do the staff need? Why?

③What’s the different between services in big shops and *all shops?

④How should people do when they get bad service?

⑤Why do some people not know what service is good?

32. 让你骄傲的家人Describe a family member made you proud

You should say:

Who this person is

When this happened

What this person did

And explain why you felt proud


①What would children do to make their parents proud?

②What did you do to make your parents proud when you were young?

③What advantages of yours make you proud?

④When was the last time that you felt proud of yourself?

33. 有趣的演讲Describe an interesting talk or speech

You should say:

When you heard it

Where you heard it

What it was about

And explain why you think it was interesting


①What kinds of people will be invited to give a speech?

②What kinds of speeches are interesting?

③Is listening to speeches important to children?

④How to select simple speeches for children?

⑤Will Chinese people feel nervous when it comes to public speaking?

34. 喜欢的天气Describe a kind of weather you like

You should say:

What it is

Where you usually experience it

What you will do

And explain why you like it

Part 3

①What kinds of clothes do people wear in summer?

②What the least favorite season for you?

③What types of weather are suitable for outdoor activities?

④If the weather is bad, what would people do indoors?

⑤What’s the most typical weather in your country?

35. 重要影响的家人Describe an experience that you are not allowed to use your mobile phone

You should say:

Where you were

When it happened

What you did there

And why you were not allowed to use your phone

Part 3

①How do young people and old people use mobile phones differently?

②What’s your attitude towards people using mobile phones in public places?

③Is it popular to use mobile phones in your country?

④Is it harmful for children to use mobile phones?

36. 最礼貌的人Describe the politest person you know

You should say:

Who this person is

What your relationship with this person is

Wha the likes to do

And why you think this person is the politest


①How do Chinese people show politeness?

②Is there any difference between etiquette in cities and in *all towns?

③How to teach children to be polite?

④How do you deal with impolite people?

⑤What kinds of behavior are not polite?



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