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5月雅思口语Part2新增真题范文及语料:Describe 5月雅思口语新题速递

更新:2023年04月01日 13:36 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了5月雅思口语Part2新增真题范文及语料:Describe 5月雅思口语新题速递,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
5月雅思口语Part2新增真题范文及语料:Describe 5月雅思口语新题速递

5月雅思口语Part2新增真题范文及语料:Describe an APP in your computer or phone

5月份是雅思口语的换题季,题库中又多了一些考试题目,所以,频道第一时间为大家带来2021年5~8月雅思口语题库中的新增题目的范文以及语料,赶快来看一下吧!今天为大家带来的Part2题目是:Describe an APP that you think is useful.

You should say:

what app it is

what contents it has

how do you use it

and explain why you think this app is useful.


These years, various kinds of apps are popping into people’s eyes every single day, for study, entertainment and office work. Among these apps, what I consider as the most useful is called Wechat. (开篇两句话,说出自己要描述的应用软件)

I downloaded this app about two years ago. At first I thought it was just for communicating, like sending instant messages to my friends and vice versa.(最初印象,和后面做对比)Afterwards, I found it more than a chatting tool; it is a great assistant for my social life.(第一个功能:社交) For example, there is an awesome function called ‘Discovery’, which is similar to Facebook or Twitter. In there I can post my feelings through words or a group of pictures, sometimes I would like to share my favorite pop songs or movie clips.(举例说明如何使用‘发现’)Besides, Wechat enables me to buy daily necessities, transfer money and top up my phone bill. Last year when I travelled to Hongkong for my holiday, I bought a special air ticket through Wechat, which saved me a lot of money. (进一步描述其他功能,并给出小例子)

As this app is updated periodically, I found it so practical that I can’t even live without it. (再次强调自己认为这款应用很有用处)Every day I have been used to send and receive messages or funny pictures. Moreover, the high quality games like Angry Birds and LinkLink are terrific, which is a good way to release me from intense work. (最后举两个例子作为结尾)


Today, I would like to describe an app that I often use on your phone.(开篇点题,这一点很重要)

Firstly, the name of the APP is WeChat and it is a mobile text and voice messaging communication service developed by Tencent in China, first released in January 2021. It is the largest standalone-messaging(单机发简讯的) APP by monthly active users. (微信大家再熟悉不过了,英文说起来也非常好说)

As how long you have used it,--(考官指出把每个问题捎带一下,这样富有清晰的逻辑性) I didn’t know about it until 2021, my friend showed it to me and taught me how to use it and I was immediately attracted by its charm.(宾补的使用以及被动语态的出现会给考官留下很好的印象)

I found it is so easy to use that this app is available on Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Phone and Symbian phones, and there are also Web-based and MacBook clients and As of August 2021, WeChat has 438 million active users; with 70 million outside of China.(具体的数据会深深地打动考官)

Finally, I want to talk about why I use it so often. On my life,(分类回答效果好) I can use WeChat for testing messages to my friends, and sharing of photographs and videos, and location sharing. On my studies, I can use it to exchange ideas with other people and ask for help by sharing my difficulties on WeChat. In a word, it not only keeps me close to my friends but also helps me on my studies. That is the app I want to talk about.(最后首尾呼应,有始有终) Thank you.

2021年5月雅思口语新题速递 5月7日雅思口语真题回忆





Part 1 Advertising, Noise

Part 2:描述你的城市里一个地方

part 2:婚礼

Part 2: 犯过的错误

part 2:一个有趣的公共地方

Part 2 Describe an interesting large company

What do you know about it

explain why you find it interesting

Part 3 What you can learn from large company?

What are the large companys in China?

part 2 收到的一个好消息

part 3 人们如何传播好消息?都有哪些好消息?用发消息的方式说好消息好不好?互联网对拓展生意的好处,对国际生意的好处和坏处。


Part 1部分真题回忆

1. house and apartment communication

2. 你的住处,城市,交通

3. 家乡特点,送礼物

4. which part of your country you come from?去过哪些城市?你的国家在哪方面有改变?

5. 姓名 、学生还是工作、学的专业、为什么学这个; 想做什么工作,为什么想做; 生日和谁过。小孩子生日一般干嘛。喜欢看冒险电影吗

6. 学生还是工作,喜欢什么科目,什么对你很难,科学课程,看科学电视吗,中国人常去博物馆吗

7. outdoor game, your children,would you like he do what outdoor game

8. prefer study in the morning or in the afternoon what kinds of music do you like

9.science room music

10.自行车 手工

11.computer 白天还是晚上学习 专业 用电脑

Part 2&3部分真题回忆

1. Part 2 a situation help others

Part 3 family member help each other

2. Part 2 描述你城市的一个地方

Part 3 乡村 or 城市

3. Part 2 婚礼,谁,在哪发生了什么

Part 3中国人结婚送什么,结婚的方式,大婚礼和小婚礼的区别, 大婚礼的好处

4. Part 2 未来想实现的目标

Part 3 从什么时候开始设立目标?问老师还是父母还是朋友意见?

5. Part 2 犯过的错误

Part 3 小孩子会犯的错误

6. Part 2 old people

Part 3 老人喜欢干什么,老人的意见是有用的吗,老人的生活和以前之前比什么变化,空气污染对老人出行的影响

7. Part 2 an interesting person in your local news

Part 3 你们家乡的人喜不喜欢看local news?纸媒还是其他方式?看本地新闻还是国际新闻?中国人相较于其他国家的人更注重社区活动吗?人们从事社区活动的动机是什么?在以前,人们是否更注重社区生活?

8. Part 2 novel 为什么有趣

Part 3 你觉得中国哪类型书出名,啥侦探小说 怎么样,电子书和纸质书的区别

9. Part 2 别人送你的衣服,什么样子,你穿了干什么

Part 3 探讨制服

10. part 2 近水之地

part 3 中国人是不是喜欢去海边玩、玩什么、水上运动、小孩学游泳重要嘛、居民用水是不是比以前多

11. part 2 帮助他人的事

part 3 父母怎样帮助孩子,孩子怎样帮助父母,家庭成员间如何互相帮助

12. part 2 a difficult choice

part 3 各种和choice相关的,大人和小孩不同的选择

13. part 2 an interesting animal 在中国最常见的动物

part 3 越来越多人 吃素 带孩子的家庭应不应该养宠物 人们更喜欢猫还是狗

14. part 2 收到的一个好消息

part 3 人们如何传播好消息?都有哪些好消息?用发消息的方式说好消息好不好?互联网对拓展生意的好处,对国际生意的好处和坏处。



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