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实现雅思作文高分突破 should

更新:2023年04月11日 11:12 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了实现雅思作文高分突破 should,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
实现雅思作文高分突破 should

实现雅思作文高分突破 必须达到“四化”要求



雅思考试作文的具体内容并不是评卷人要重点考量的,参考任何一本雅思辅导书,考生都会发现其中同一类题目的文章立场往往大同小异,评卷人评判的主要是考生的语言表达能力,考生在构思时只须保证内容符合逻辑,能够言之有理、言之成理、切题即可,然后把更多的注意力放在如何追求语言的得体性上;考生在构思内容上所花的时间不应超过5分钟,在认真审题并将其理解透彻以后,可以在试卷的空白处列一个提纲,用关键词即可,以此作为写作过程中内容的提示,同时也有助考生清晰地把握篇章结构。这样在提笔写作的过程中可将重点放在保证语言的流畅得体上,不会因为内容而中断思路。在篇章的构思和语言的运用上,应尽量简洁明了,以易于实现和安全可靠为宗旨。要知道,250字左右的 task 2作文中不可能有太多的空间让我们展示过于深刻复杂的思维和句子的。重要的是,先得到分数,然后才有可能拿高分。


雅思作文不仅题目弹性很小,而且题型相对稳定,这就为考生在短期内提高作文分数创造了一个条件,使考生完全可以在考前针对考试中可能出现的题型按照固定的结构模式进行训练成为可能。IELTS作文考题从语言形式上可大致分为二个类型,第一种为二选一,即题目给出两种观点,问考生倾向于哪一种观点,如:“有人认为,高中毕业生应当立即进入大学继续学习,另一些人则认为高中毕业生应当用至少一年时间工作和旅行,然后再进入大学学习。你倾向那种观点?”第二种题型是提出一个观点,问考生同意与否或表达立场,如:“有些人认为应当用快餐取代传统餐饮。 你在多大程度上同意还是不同意这个观点?”





雅思作文修改:new language should be invented

题目:Some people think that a new language should be invented for people from different countries to use for the international communication. To what extent do you think its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages?


In the contemporary world, globalization is making a large incidence around the world. The issue of invented a fresh language is an emotional one, with some people talking the attitude that is necessary to contrive a new language for people from different countries to use for the international communication.

The reason for this trend may involve the recognition that different language may cause dispensable trouble, even lead to a war and also restricted people who can only use their mother tongue to communicate with external people. By contrast, those who can use foreign language to get a high-paid career and immigrate to other countries have a high quality life. They tend to be more enlighten may to they broader view. Admittedly, having ability to communicate with people who has different culture background is increasingly remarkable. So, invented a new language may bring numerous benefits to not only a person, but countries from all over the world.


However, a great language frequently link to a variety of culture. Furthermore, originate a new language is a long-term evolution like Chinese. Classical Chinese is the beginning of Chinese which is throughout 5000 years of history and gradually evolve to modern language called Modern Vernacular Chinese. During that time, Chinese shaped a colorful culture which is magnificent at present. But, current science and technology is become increasing advancing. Scientist may totally create a new language which is combine diversity of culture.


Overall, despite of creating a language may during a long-term period. But, modern technology can reduce that period and eventually contrive a new language. Speaking myself, its benefits are significant contributing factors to the development of world.



1. 个人生活,学习,工作带来方便

2. 促进世界的经济发展,国与国的沟通,社会进步


1. 造成很多小语种和少数民族文化的消失

2. 造成世界的uniformity,使人们的生活变的dull或monotonous


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